We slept a lot last night. We finally got out of bed today around 8:30. I know that doesn’t sound very late but I swear I fell asleep at 7:45 last night!
Once out of bed we decided we were gonna kayak. There is an island about a mile from the shore here that has good snorkeling on the other side of it. I wasn’t really sure of our kayaking abilities but we decided to go for it. So we ate breakfast and then got ready to go out.
Marlon gave us fins to snorkel with and life jackets. He also put a cinder block on Don’s kayak in case we wanted to anchor somewhere. Then we both got in our kayaks and started going. It was a lot easier than I imagined it would be. Before we knew it we were almost half way there. I started getting somewhat tired at this point but really wanted to keep going. Don said “I’m waiting on you! Every time I look at you, you are not paddling!” I told him I was waiting on him because every time I looked at him he wasn’t doing anything! So then I started paddling more. All of the sudden I look back and Don is in the water. The kayak had flipped! I turned around and tried to get close to him but missed him…not really good at being precise with my direction. Finally I got to him and I noticed there was another kayak coming towards us with a guy and a girl in it. They asked us if we needed help and they stopped. Don could not get his kayak to flip over. Luckily his bag and his fins were still there strapped in. The cinder block had fallen to the bottom though. When Don finally got back on the kayak kept tipping up so the back was underwater and the top was upright in the air. We thought maybe it was because of the anchor so the guy got the anchor up and we put in my kayak, but Don’s kayak still wouldn’t balance. I put all of his stuff in my kayak….except his fins, we lost them. Then Don got behind me and the guy told me to just paddle him in. I tried paddling and couldn’t get anywhere. So the guy tied his kayak to mine and they paddled us back to where we could touch. I tried to help by paddling also. I wish we could buy these people a beer or something.
Once we were on shore Don was tired and disappointed. I was just happy we got back and we had everything…except the fins. I was really worried about our underwater camera but it was there in the bag. Don’s kayak was so heavy! Then we saw the plug in the back wasn’t screwed in and water was coming out. So we drained it. We are pretty sure that this was the problem; the plug wasn’t in so when we first started he had no problem but as time went on the kayak filled with water. We drained the kayak for a good 15 minutes.

We saw a pretty big fish right at the shore. It looked like a baby or small shark but I’m sure it wasn’t. As we were standing there the woman who we had saw the day before with her trinkets and crafts said hi. She had a friend with her. She asked if we were having fun we said yes but we tipped over. She said “oh you’re the one that tipped!?” Then she asked if we wanted to look again at her things to buy….I couldn’t believe it haha but I told her we had no money on us. Crazy woman.

We saw a pretty big fish right at the shore. It looked like a baby or small shark but I’m sure it wasn’t. As we were standing there the woman who we had saw the day before with her trinkets and crafts said hi. She had a friend with her. She asked if we were having fun we said yes but we tipped over. She said “oh you’re the one that tipped!?” Then she asked if we wanted to look again at her things to buy….I couldn’t believe it haha but I told her we had no money on us. Crazy woman.
Once the kayak was drained we needed to get back to the hotel’s beach. We were pretty far from there so we decided to get back in kayak back. We had decided that the island was out of the question now…we were tired and it was far. The kayak back to the hotel beach was fine…so now we know the problem. So always check to make sure your kayak’s plug is screwed in!!
We got back and swam for awhile then we told Marlon what happened and that we lost the fins. He was nice about it but Don still felt bad. Then we went out to swim more. The water felt sooo good. After that we dried off a bit and Don said he wanted to walk the beach back to where we came to shore and see if his fins had washed up. I knew this was unlikely because I saw them sink. They went pretty fast. But we went and walked the beach. On the way we saw some pretty big fish and Don pointed out a sting ray. We also saw 2 crabs. We looked along the shore and got in and snorkeled a bit but we never found the fins.
Then we came back and swam in the pool. After the pool we got cleaned up and decided to walk to the grocery store. They had Dr Pepper so I got one. Then we ate at the Green Parrot. Don had a cheeseburger and I had shrimp and fries. It was good but I think our restaurant is better. We walked the beach back and decided to have the peanut brittle pie again. Now we are relaxing in the room and getting ready for our Monkey River Tour tomorrow.