Tag Archives: Korean Air

Arrival in Philippines

We arrived at Incheon Airport (near Seoul) around 4:30 pm. The Korean airport was really nice, so modern and clean looking. We got some food. I had a Subway sandwich and Dr Pepper! Because every time I see Dr Pepper in a foreign country I have to try it. It tasted slightly different, better than the Dr Pepper I had in Greece though.

Our next flight to Manila was at 7:30 pm. This plane was not as big and more cramped. There were hardly any free seats so we had to sit next to someone. This flight was about 4 hours. It felt like 8. We still had tv screens to watch whatever we would like so that was cool. I mostly tried to sleep on this flight but it was impossible. I couldn’t get comfortable. But still…Korean Air way better than Delta…plus this flight was also on time.

We arrived in Manila around 10:30 pm and we got our luggage quickly. Yay, no lost luggage! The process of getting through customs was fast too. It took us forever to find our hotel shuttle connection though. We eventually had to call our hotel because there were so many people and we couldn’t find our guy. We didn’t get to the hotel until around 12:30 am. I was so tired and grumpy. I also wasn’t very impressed with the hotel at the time ahaha.

Philippines! Flying Day

Woke up today around 7 to get ready for our 12:45 flight from O’Hare. it was nice having time in the morning before the flight, usually we are always flying so early.

When we got to the airport we checked in with Korean Air. Usually when we fly we take one backpack and a small roller for carry ons but they would only allow us to bring one so we had to check our rollers. This made me so nervous because I hate losing luggage. I’ve had my luggage lost once and ever since then I pack so I will not need to check in a bag. But there was nothing we could do.

The flight from Chicago to Seoul was about 14 hours. It was on time (last time when we flew with Delta to the Philippines every flight was delayed). The flight wasn’t full and we got lucky because the 3rd seat in our section was not taken so we had a lot more room. Compared to Delta Airlines the seats on Korean Air were much more roomy. Every seat had a screen on it to watch movies and play games.

I got some wine and Silver Linings Playbook was the first movie I watched. It was pretty good. Then for lunch they served Bibimbap (Korean dish). For airplane food it was actually pretty good.

After lunch I read some and then checked out the games I could play. Then I watched Life of Pi. I tried sleeping but I don’t think I slept much. The guy in front of me kept opening his window shade to look outside. I didn’t understand why someone would need to look outside so much! Seriously you can’t really see anything! But overall, flying with Korean Air was sooooo much better than flying with Delta.

By the time we only had about 4 hours of flying time left I was ready to be off. It happened like this last time. I got so restless and couldn’t wait to get out!