Bliggedy Bliggedy Blog.

Bliggedy Bliggedy Blog.

Shiggidy Shiggidy Shwag.

Its the day before Valentines day. Got my boss some flowers, and the boys in the box office nothing. As it should be. Got me some truffles at home though…. ::drools:: truffles ::drools:: (Thanks Babe). Had the past two days off, and did me some organization shopping. Which kinda means for me that I went to staples and got a bunch of crap that should help me organize my life. or something. Also went out with Val to get my car checked. Got all them crazy fluids replaced. The Oil, it came out of the car as if it were some sort of solid black metal. Strange…. Indeed.

I haven’t gotten around to it but I really do want to format that “album” section of my website. Right now its just a mishmash of pictures I had on my old website. Kinda want to update it but the whole life thing is kinda bogging me down. But hopefully I will get around to updating, and of course updating the rest of this site. Atleast the blog is working. Although i still cant get the response comments thing to work. But until i do, i guess just post on the MsgForum.

Not to drag though. The end is almost very extremely fucking nigh. Been getting into little arguments with the parental unit though. But im sure things will smooth out. Don’t know how to do this whole living on my own thing but IM sure I will figure it out somehow.

that’s all I think.

Currently Downloading episodes of McGyver at home.

Oohh yeah!

Oh and Jack eventually got down on his knees. Forgot to mention that.