Beggars Pizza Review – 3413 N. Clark, Chicago IL

Recently we went to Beggars Pizza on Clark Street in Chicago. We were walking home after a comedy show and since I hadn’t eaten dinner yet a slice of pizza sounded good and fast.

So…Beggars Pizza has a sign outside saying “Open Late” and “Pizza Slices”. It was only about 10 pm so they were open. When I walked in I noticed there were no pizzas sitting out like at a regular NYC pizzeria. There was this small spinning heater looking thing that had some pizza in it.

I ordered a slice of pepperoni pizza. The guy said all we have is cheese left. Seriously? You advertise yourself as having slices of pizza and you only have 2 slices of cheese at 10 pm? Even Sbarro has at least 4 different kinds of pizzas ready to be sliced up for you at any given time. It’s bad when you start comparing a pizzeria to Sbarro. And what pizzeria can’t throw a couple of slices of pepperoni on a plain slice, heat up, and serve? But let’s just get this straight…Beggars Pizza is NOT a pizzeria. Don’t go here expecting to get a decent slice of pizza. There’s no where for them to even keep pizzas. Just a small spinning microwave looking thing.

So onto the slice. I ordered the cheese because I was starving and I didn’t have anything else to choose from. It looked and tasted like it had been sitting under a fry lamp all day. It wasn’t terrible but maybe that’s just because I was so hungry. It’s possible that if the pizza was fresh, it might have been better than Pizza Hut or Dominos. But only by a small margin. That’s not really saying much when you compare a pizza place to a chain like Pizza Hut. Maybe if I would have ordered delivery from this place it would have been different. I wouldn’t have been disappointed with the lack of slices and the freshness of the pizza….but seriously…how about you just don’t advertise yourself as having slices if you don’t have slices.

Beggars Pizza you are not that good.

My Interview with my Grandfather, Part 2

This is part 2 of my interview with my grandfather, Bonifacio Silvano Arzadon Sr. For part 1 Click Here,

In part 1 we briefly talked about my Grandfather’s service in the military during World War 2. Towards the end of the war my grandfather had been placed in a Japanese concentration camp. He experienced several hardships during this time. When he was finally released from the camp he and his comrades were processed by The Department of Social Work. Call it fate, destiny, or just following the path that God laid out for him. After all he had been through with the war, the woman that was to take down his information and process him along with the other prisoners of war turned out to be the love of his life. My grandmother. He says it was “love at first sight”. In part 2 we discuss his courtship and marriage. Along with his career/employment following the war.


A quote from my cousin RJ:
“You’ve always been there when we needed you…you gave us advice and tried to show us the better path to live our lives…you never showed weakness until the end…

A role model and a hero…

You will forever be missed and always be loved Lolo…!!!”

Bonifacio Silvano Arzadon Sr. – June 5th 1916 – April 3rd 2012.

My Interview with my Grandfather, Part 1

In June of 2010 my family on my mother’s side had a family reunion in the Philippines. The reunion was to celebrate my grandfather’s 94th birthday. When my grandfather and I had some down time together I decided to sit down with him and record an interview with him. For the first time ever, I learned things about my grandparents that I never knew. Though the entire session only lasted about an hour and a half, it is something that I will keep and remember forever. I only wish I could have done more.

On April 3rd, 2012 my grandfather passed away. As I write this it is only 9 days since his passing. I miss him terribly as everyone in my family does. My grandfather was a leader, a patriarch, the paterfamilias of his family. Some of my cousins called him the General. Things didn’t happen unless my grandfather made the decision to make them happen.

A quote from my cousin RJ:
“You’ve always been there when we needed you…you gave us advice and tried to show us the better path to live our lives…you never showed weakness until the end…

A role model and a hero…

You will forever be missed and always be loved Lolo…!!!”

Bonifacio Silvano Arzadon Sr. – June 5th 1916 – April 3rd 2012.

(The above video is part 1 of what I believe will be a 3 part video. I will try to get the other parts edited and uploaded soon)