Category Archives: Bloggings

Just Blogging

Cassie & Jon’s Wedding

I was worried coming here was a terrible mistake but luckily everyone got sleep and Kelsey is feeling better! We got ready really quick to go downtown. We took the bus the wrong way at first. We finally got downtown around 11:45. We found the restaurant The Standing Order. It was a cool looking restaurant because it used to be a bank. We quickly ordered and ate. Most of us got traditional breakfasts. After eating, Don and I had to take an Uber back to the house to get ready for Cassie and Jon’s wedding. I was happy that the rest of the family stayed downtown to explore.

The wedding was beautiful. It was at Dundas Castle in Queensferry. The weather was awesome, sunny and warm. It was fun seeing Kara and Evan. We drank a little much and stayed out late. I can’t believe the sun doesn’t set until around 10:30 pm here! We went to a pub on our way back to the house. The pub was a place someone told Don about yesterday while he was walking with Lucas. I think they called it The Digger because it was near a cemetery.

I’m glad it seems like everyone had a good time while exploring downtown Edinburgh!

First Full Day—Driving On The Left Is Crazy

We got off our overnight flight around 9 am and it was off to get the rental cars. I booked with Arnold Clark which I sort of remembered it being separate from the other car rental places. After walking to the car rental place and having a brief mental panic we were shown the shuttle to Arnold Clark and it was very nearby.

It took awhile to get set up with the cars but everyone at Arnold Clark was very nice. We had a large BMW sedan and Kelsey and Jared had a Nissan SUV. It was a bit of a struggle to get all the bags in the car so luckily we had 2 cars. We were all pretty tired and cranky. Kelsey felt nauseous and sick. I drove to our Airbnb, which is on the outskirts of Edinburgh. The driving was absolutely crazy. I can’t believe we made it to the house actually. Driving on the left and being on the opposite side of the car feels so wrong and different. Marie met us outside her house and had us back into her driveway. She was very nice and showed us around the house. The house is cute. Lucas told her “in Chicago we drive on the right side.”

Today was rough. We ordered Papa John’s. Kelsey was feeling pretty sick all day and none of us could really sleep so we decided to walk to the grocery store for some snacks and breakfast foods. After getting groceries we went to nap. Don and Lucas napped some, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t. I decided to cancel our dinner reservation but then we had no food for dinner, so we ended up going back to the grocery store and got some ready meals that had to be heated. We got lasagna and Shepard pie. It was ok. I decided I needed to go to sleep around 7. Don and Lucas went for a walk because he was quite energetic. I just laid in bed trying to sleep. I felt wired and anxious. My mind was all over the place: was this a huge mistake? Is everyone going to have a terrible time? How are we going to drive here? Is Kelsey going to feel better? After how long without sleep does your body just stop working?

Lucas and Don got back from the walk around 8:30. They had a great time exploring. They found a playground and talked to locals. They ended up on a really high bridge. It was fun to hear about their outing. I finally got to sleep around 9. I woke up later thinking it was almost morning, but it was only 12:45 am!! And Lucas was wide awake!! I was starting to lose it a little bit. When will I be able to sleep again?! Don took Lucas into our bed and I went over to Lucas’s bed. Finally we all fell back asleep and we slept until 9!

Leaving for Edinburgh

The Scotland trip is actually here! After over a year of planning, I can’t believe it. Kelsey, Jared, and Adeline left San Antonio early this morning for their flight to Chicago. They said lines were long at the airport and they got to their gate as the plane was boarding! This of course stressed me out a ton because all I could think about were their bags haha. If their bags had been stuck in San Antonio it would have been complicated to get them, especially since the Chicago flight was not connected to the Edinburgh flight.

Luckily, they landed here around 9:30 am safely and with their bags. Then they went to visit one of Kelsey’s friends, Jen, to wait for our evening flight to Edinburgh.

Lucas went to school this morning so Don and I could finish up any last minute packing. My parents arrived at our house around noon. We hung out for a bit then we left for O’Hare around 2:30. We all drove together in my parent’s car. It was a little bit of a struggle getting all the luggage in, so that made me a bit worried for the car and luggage situation in Edinburgh.

Actually getting into the airport and through security seemed like it took forever. Finally, we all met up in the United terminal and got some food. We ate in the food court at Billy Goat Tavern. While I was waiting in line for the food a woman’s laptop fell out of her hands and the corner of it landed right on my left pinky toe. I couldn’t believe it, who has their laptop out while in a food line?! It hurt so bad and still hurts.

On the plane they gave us some Gardetto’s like chips and Lucas liked the rye chips. He said “these are the best chips I’ve ever had in my whole life”. He slept a lot on the flight. At times he would wake up in frustration of being hot and uncomfortable. I think I maybe slept 20 minutes total on the flight. Overall though, Lucas and Adeline had a good flight. The kid behind us puked a couple of times which was concerning, was he sick or motion sick? While landing, Lucas looked out the window and said “where’s all the castles?”

Going Home


We had to wake up early today because our breakfast for departure was at 6:45 in Royal Palace. We were so busy yesterday we didn’t have time to pack so we have to carry all our luggage through the ship. Lucas was exhausted and we had to wake him up. If we were not leaving today we probably could have all slept in!  

I enjoyed watching the ship get into the port at Fort Lauderdale. There was another cruise ship behind us coming in also. The sunrise was beautiful. I will say our cabin smelled like gas fumes a lot while we were getting into port. I wonder if that is because we are at the back of the ship? 

After breakfast we finished the puppy detective thing. Then we really didn’t know what to do and didn’t know how long it would take to get off the ship so we got in line to leave. 

Disembarking the ship took no time. We got a cab to the airport and we were so early we couldn’t check our bags yet! A man told us we could take our bags outside to the American Airlines desk and get them checked there so we did that. Lucas was good in the airport, despite the long wait. It’s really hard to tell what is better, flying out the day your cruise gets back to port or staying another night. Last time we stayed an extra night. I think if we do it this way again we would plan better to not have so much time at the airport. We had lunch in the airport and then we took off for home. Lucas slept the entire 3 hour flight! Our cab ride home was crazy long because it was a Friday around 5 pm and it was raining….It is also nice to have your own car from the airport but Lucas did great and we did save money by taking a cab. We can’t wait to go on our next adventure! 

Disney Castaway Cay

Today Lucas was up at 6:30. We watched the boat back into Castaway Cay from our balcony. Then we went to the breakfast buffet. After breakfast we were able to get off the ship a bit earlier than expected, so we left around  9:30. When we got off the ship we took a few photos because we bought the photo package and we have to make the most of it! 

Having the stroller to hold our bags was key, I highly recommend it. We arrived at Scuttles Cove and found a spot in the first row of seats. We saved enough seats for Amy, Kelly. and Dean. The first thing we did was go snorkel. We all went out. Lucas got nervous and didn’t go out far but he did see a few fish and he did so much better than last time. Don went out to see how far out you had to go to see stuff and it was pretty far. You had to go out past the lifeguard stands in the water, but he saw some fish. Then I went out. I saw lots of fish, a starfish, and 2 sting rays. It was pretty cool and felt great to be snorkeling again. That is something we haven’t done since having Lucas. Disney had dropped statues and things to look at under the water. It was really cool and all the structures attracted sea life and fish. I swam really far out. When I got back Lucas was playing in the sand and he was covered.  

Finally close to 11 our friends arrived, they are definitely not early risers. Lucas and Dean played for a bit then we asked if they wanted to go to the kids club. They were a bit hesitant but they did end up going for a little over an hour.  We talked and  had some beers then Amy and Don did some snorkeling. Kelly and I went and got food and brought it back to our beach spot. Then we picked up the boys.  

After lunch the boys got in the water and played in the sand. We stayed until about 3:45. I was worried Lucas was getting sunburnt and he wouldn’t let me put sunscreen on him. The boys had a blast and it was fun having another couple with us. When we got back we immediately showered. We set off the smoke alarm in our room because of the steam from our shower. We tried to pack some and we put our wet clothes in the dryer. Our room is really close to the laundry room so that is convenient. The cruise app lets you know when your clothes are done.  

Then we went to buy Lucas a spiderman that he wanted. Then it was time for dinner. Dinner was at Royal Palace. It was ok. We got escargot, salads, and the filet. Lucas got cheese pizza, which he did not like very much. It was very small and didn’t look good. He asked if he could have some mac and cheese also. Of course he could because this is a cruise and you can eat whatever! 

After dinner we saw Belle and took some pictures. Then we met up with our new friends and took some group pictures. Then the boys played on the deck outside. Lucas was a good guy and Dean was a bad guy and they were battling. It was pretty funny. We had to say our goodbyes, which was kind of sad. Then we went to the show Believe. Lucas fell asleep about 15 minutes in. The show was pretty good but I was very tired also. Lucas slept the whole show and Don carried him back to the room. I think this is the first time that has ever happened. He usually wakes up when we start to carry him. He is definitely exhausted and so are we. We missed our chance for our luggage to be checked for departure tomorrow because we had no time to pack, so we will be lugging our luggage around on our own.