Where was I?

My last post was incomplete.

I'm on the bus now just thinking.

I think that there is a reason why each person is born. But it is not as personal as most people would believe. I believe that it is not the individual that has a destiny, but all of mankind. Most people spend there whole life trying to figure out their own lives when they really should be considering how their lives fit into the bigger picture.

If mankind were to be thought of as a single entity then each person becomes a part of a giant whole. Like the cells of our own body, each person functions as part of a giant living organism.

Our reason for being isn't what we accomplish in our lives, it is what we impart on the future of mankind.

I am not trying to lead this thought into a religious ending. Nor am I trying to lead you down a road that finds a certain religion to be right or wrong about creation or life itself. In fact I am trying to reason a Pan-religious theory. An idea about life, that fits across all religions.

Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

So it rained today.

So lately ive been dealing with this change the world desire. This stems from the idea that we all have a purpose. Well actually its a bit more complicated than that.

I've been playing around with the idea that humans have a purpose. That we all exist for a reason. The reason however is not a singular or individual thing. You see most people try to figure out what their purpose in life is. If they find it then good for them, but if they don't find it they either give up on it or kill themselves in a mindless rage of pointlessness. I think when you look at your life as a singular thing. That is, your reason for being alive only effects yourself, then you'll never see a point.

There are also some who don't care. Somewhere along the way they heard the line "life is about living" and they adopted a lifestyle that was purely about experiencing as much fun as possible before they die. We're only on this earth for a finite period of time and therefore that means keep the party going cause it'll end any minute. I think that's crap. I think that there is more to life than just life. And this pleasure seeking lifestyle is working against us.