Before I talk about the Korean Homeless Singer, I should first explain what “clicky clicky” is. Derived from the internet verb phrase “Click Here”, this is a term I use to represent the act of clicking through videos on youtube based off of the thumbnails of the videos. Through the act of clicky clicky one could have started their normal YouTube session while watching Pearl Jam music videos but somehow end up watching videos of the voluptuous Ladies of Spanish Network Television. (Just ran a quick clicky clicky test for Peal Jam and ended up here, Not as crazy of a deviation as I explained but hopefully you get my meaning)
Anyways, so today’s Clicky Clicky found me the following video. At first as I was watching it, I was like man this build up is so lame. But then I got to the moment I was waiting for from the start of the video and I was like WTF!? Not bad, not bad at all. So I thought I’d share.