Last night was crazy. Kelsey and I didn’t fall asleep until about 3 am and I woke up around 7 because it was so sunny. I didn’t feel tired. We all got out and about around 930 or 10. I had to do a full luggage check on Kelsey’s stuff because she was concerned spiders might have gotten in it last night. This entailed me taking out each piece of clothing and whatever out of her luggage and inspecting it and shaking it out haha. Luckily, I found nothing.
I talked to the woman at the front desk about if we could stay here for the remainder of our trip. She told me that we could stay in our room tonight again but tomorrow it is rented out and we could either move to a room that shares a bathroom with other guests or an apartment that was upstairs with 2 bedrooms. I told her we wanted to think about it and see the rooms later. In the meantime I worked on an email to Sharon the owner of Casa Papaya to explain why we left and what happened. I am hoping we can get some sort of refund but who knows. Before leaving for breakfast we were able to see the apartment we could have for tomorrow night but we made no decision yet.
We decided to have breakfast at a hotel by the beach called Locanda Hotel. The view was amazing and the food was pretty good too.
We had the traditional Costa Rican breakfast; it came with fruit, rice, beans, and eggs. Sitting here was so relaxing compared to what we went through last night with the spiders. I was surprised to see that during breakfast Sharon had emailed me back about Casa Papaya and it sounds like she is going to be okay with giving us some sort of refund. Her reply sounded very sympathetic as to what we went through and I really didn’t expect that.
The beach was beautiful and we couldn’t wait to relax there. After eating we went to get some water and Kelsey wanted to look for some water shoes. We walked around a bit looking for some when she found some crocs. It was so hot! I was pouring sweat and couldn’t wait to get in the water.
We went back to the beach and found some chairs to relax in. We saw some horses walk by the water, one of them even laid down in the water. It was so cool. Then we all got in the water.

We enjoyed drinks by the beach and discussed what we were going to do tomorrow, our last day.

It was sad to think this trip was coming to an end. It has been awesome and I am going to miss my sister since she will be going back to Vegas and us back to Chicago. We discussed going snorkeling tomorrow. I had a detailed description of where the best snorkeling in Playa Samara was. You can see in the picture that the beach wraps around to this point and then there is a small channel and then a small island, called Isla Chora. You can walk to the point and swim in the channel and snorkel there and around the island. There is also a beach at Isla Chora. I had read the snorkeling isn’t the greatest, but it is the best you can find at Playa Samara. All of the snorkeling tours go here, but many people say if you have own snorkel stuff (which we did) you can do it on your own. We thought maybe we could drive down as far as we could and then park and walk. So far this seems like the plan for tomorrow.

We went back to the hotel in the afternoon and got cleaned up. Kelsey said her ear was hurting and she thinks she has an ear infection. We knew we could buy antibiotic ear drops at a pharmacy so we asked the front desk where one was. It was around about 5:30 so we had to hurry. We drove to the pharmacy that was a few blocks away and luckily we were able to get ear drops. Then we walked around to look for a place for dinner. I cannot remember the name of the place we ate but it was very good. After dinner Don wanted to drive around a bit. We drove around and saw a restaurant on the other side of town that Don thinks will be a good place for our last night. On our way back to the hotel Don saw a place that was lit up very nicely and thought we should go.
We parked the car at the hotel and walked over to the place Don saw. It was called Gusto Beach. The atmosphere was very cool. There were little gazebos that had couches in them that people could lounge in. There was even a ladder that went up to your own little elevated table. It was very cool looking. I had a pina colada. Kelsey had sangria, which was ginormous. Don had an iced coffee with ice cream in it and it was so delicious I was jealous I hadn’t ordered it. We chilled out here for awhile and decided we really liked it and we should probably come back tomorrow at some point. Today was really awesome despite how everything began here at Playa Samara.