Visting with Lola

The hatch messed up this morning and turned off at 7. Lucas probably would have slept longer, so that was a little annoying. He seems a bit congested today. We had bagels with Khris and Jess then we got ready to go to Lola’s house. 

When we got there she had breakfast ready also haha but that was good because we hadn’t ate much. Lucas went out on the balcony that overlooks the pool. Suddenly workers came and took off the tarp over the pool! So that was fun for him to watch. 

Then we drove over to a nearby park–Carver’s Park. There was one other little boy there with his mom and dog. He showed Lucas how to throw sticks to the dog. Then they ran around together. 

We got super lucky with fire fighters parking there and practicing their hose skills. That was really cool to watch. We watched them pack up the hose then they asked if Lucas wanted to look inside and they gave him a hat.  He loved it.

it was hard to get Lucas to leave this park so I convinced him to walk back with me. It was about a 10 minute walk. Don drove Lola back.

We decided to have him nap at Lola’s. We laid in the bedroom together and surprisingly he fell asleep pretty quickly.

After nap Lucas had some Jello and around 4:30 we all went over to Jonathan and Wighanda’s house. Lucas was happy to see his cousins. They enjoyed playing frisbee and on the trampoline. Lucas was obsessed with Raiden’s Optimus Prime. He wants one so bad. He also really enjoyed riding on their electric cars.

We ordered Maggiano’s and then we headed back to Khris and Jess’s.