Zoo day

Lucas woke up at 6:45 today even though we went to bed late. We went over to Lola’s around 9:30 for breakfast.

It was a beautiful day so we decided to go to the Bergen County Zoo. We had been there last time we visited but we thought it sounded fun. We had fun seeing the animals, riding the carousel, and eating ice cream.

After the zoo we went back to Lola’s to nap. I noticed your cough and congestion were getting worse around this time but you seemed ok after nap.

We went over to Jonathan’s around 4. Jonathan was going to grill. He had invited over some of Raiden’s friends and parents. Khris, Jess, and Lola also were there. You had fun playing outside and with Optimus Prime. You had more ice cream and helped Khris build a fire.

We got home late and Lucas seemed ok but he had a really rough night with coughing.