
We woke up pretty exhausted from a terrible sleep. Lucas’s cough is worse but no fever.

Khris made us some delicious breakfast sandwiches. After breakfast we packed up to go Queens. Lucas was looking pretty miserable but he perked up when we got to the Hall of Science in Queens.

He really wanted to “see the science”. The first thing he wanted to do was play mini golf. After golf we played with bubbles. Then we went inside to look around a bit. We had a bit of an argument on if Lucas was allowed to get a rocket toy, ultimately we let him get it. I was super tired and ready to get to the hotel.

On the way to the hotel I lost my cool a few times. The driving and the parking situation at the hotel were not ideal. Once we got checked into Hotel Indigo though things were better. Don went out and picked up some lunch at a chicken place. Then we took a nap.

After nap we decided Lucas and I would stay at the hotel while Don went to Miguel’s wedding. I was bummed but we couldn’t take a sick kid to a wedding and I was also feeling under the weather.

We ordered a few slices of pizza and alfredo pasta. Lucas didn’t eat much at first. After awhile he decided we should go out for a walk around Flushing. It was nice to get out.

When we got back Lucas ate a lot more. We enjoyed the view from our hotel room. We could see Citifield, the city, and LaGuardia Airport. It was a lot of fun to watch the planes take off.