Heading to the poconos

Lucas woke up again today at 7:30 on the dot. He coughed a little last night and puked up a little. I really hope this is it for that. We went to our hotel breakfast then we packed up. 

We went over to Don’s mom’s and hung out. Lucas watched a bunch of transformers stuff. We had lunch then we got in the car to make our way to the Poconos house.  

Lucas took a nap in the car so that was good. We stopped in Mt Pocono to pick up groceries at Walmart. Khris and I had been working on a list. Then we ordered 7 pizzas from Dominic’s Pizza and they were done super quick! 

Once we got to the house Steve and Don went to pick up the pizzas. I worked on unloading the car. Lucas had fun playing with Emily and Lily. Then we all ate some pizza and salad. After dinner we talked then we got out a game of bags and played on the balcony. It was fun Lucas even played. Then we just hung out. 

The house and area look pretty awesome. I can’t wait to explore tomorrow. Lucas has had a lot of late nights, it’s 10:30 and he’s still awake!