Heading Home

I woke up around 6 even though I tried to sleep until 6:45. We got packed up and had breakfast. The breakfast here at the DoubleTree Hilton in Queensferry was pretty good. We left for the airport around 8:45 and got gas. We dropped my parents off at the aiport with most of the bags and Adeline then we took the cars back to Arnold Clark. It was a very nice and easy return at Arnold Clark.

We made it back to the airport and met back up with my parents. Checking in at Edinburgh airport was pleasant. The woman who helped us check our bags was very nice and even filled out a boarding pass for Lucas. It was super cute. The security was a bit weird and kind of annoying but quick.

The airport was pretty small. We tried a few times to get our seats switched but we were unsuccessful. For lunch we got some sandwiches. Our flight to Newark was a bit delayed but not by much. Lucas asked Don, “Dia, are you excited to see Lola?” He thought since we were going to New Jersey that we would see his Lola. I sat with Lucas on the flight. The woman next to me would not switch so Don could sit by us, but it was ok. Lucas slept a lot, and he even ate the ravioli pasta! There was an incident where he was frustrated with a slide puzzle of Oscar the Grouch that he couldn’t do. One of the United flight attendants gave him a goodie bag and a slide puzzle was one of the toys. My least favorite type of puzzle! Thanks, United!

Once we got into Newark Lucas was excited to see a small replica of the Statue of Liberty. He had to have his picture with it. We got some Shake Shack for dinner and then we boarded our flight to O’Hare. Once we boarded a United flight attendant was passing out goodie bags to all the kids and guess what was in it? Yep, another Oscar the Grouch slide puzzle! When we landed Lucas said, “Mama, are you excited to drive on the right side?”

It was sad to part ways with everyone at the airport, but we were also glad to be back in the states and heading home. Despite its difficulties our first family trip out of the country went pretty well! Scotland was beautiful!