This morning Lucas slept in until 8! And he might have slept in more if we didn’t have to wake up. We had to have breakfast at 9 to get our reduced ticket prices for Xcaret.
Basically, we showed up, had breakfast at the Italian Buffet, and then Don, my mom, and Lucas went to the pool. My dad and I sat thru this presentation done by a guy named Tony and then we were shown some rooms. Then we were hard sold on buying into their vacation package thing but we said no. At the end they acted like we should have had all of our family stay for the presentation, but I told them the man named Saul said 3 times only two of us had to stay. It was the only way I agreed to going to the presentation. In the end they said ok.
Then we went to the pool. Around 2 we decided to go have lunch in the town of Puerto Morelos. The front lobby called a taxi for Lucas, Don and me. The ride was only about 5-10 minutes. He dropped us off at a place where he parked with a shop. We asked for recommendations to eat and then we walked around the block. There were so many shops. We ate at a place called Puerto Knna. We ordered queso fundido. I had fish tacos. Don had octopus tacos and Lucas had a Quesadilla. Lucas ate one of my fish. The view from the restaurant was amazing.
Then we walked around. A man walked up to us and said he remembered us from our hotel because he was a waiter there. He wanted to show us his grandma’s shop. He took us into a jewelry store. It was suspicious. We think he saw our wristbands. The guy there was making me try on jewelry. It was just awkward. When we got out of there we started heading back for a taxi.
Lucas was saying he was hot. We looked at a couple more shops and then found our taxi driver Eduardo.
When we got back to the hotel we went back to the room and Lucas wanted to swim more. Don said he was going to take a little break. Lucas and I went down to the pool. My mom didn’t stay too much longer but my dad hung around. It was much colder in the water. We were tossing around the football when this very old man who came in on a scooter walked into the pool. We got out and were gathering our stuff when all the sudden the old man fell getting out of the pool. He fell right on his chest/stomach. People helped him up. He turned out to be ok, but it was very scary. Lucas told me later as we were walking, “When I saw that guy my heart shattered. My heart has a crack in it”
We saw that man later at dinner he was ok. We thought there was a taco festival tonight because the concierge had said something, but we only found a small artisan festival. So again, we went to the buffet. It was not great. Don and I were not eating a lot because we had a 9 pm reservation.
Lucas was going to spend the night with my parents so we could have a date night. He was so tired and didn’t want us to leave him but eventually he was ok because my dad said he would use his flashlight to look for crocodile.
Don and I went to the other resort called Ventas Ha for dinner. It was ok. I had curry soup for an appetizer. That was my favorite part of my meal. Don had bean soup. Then I had a ceviche that I didn’t like, and Don had a bone marrow appetizer. We both got the steak for our meal. It was ok, nothing great. The craziest part was they brought it out on a heavy hot stone on top of a sliced tree trunk that was on top of another wooden serving tray. The waiter almost dropped my steak on me. It was a very complicated, heavy dish. It came with a cream corn in a little dish, but my dish was so hot I couldn’t touch it. It was boiling the entire meal! I had to take my steak off the hot stone so it would stop cooking. We had some wine and took some wine to go.
The resort was cool it had a neat jungle theme. We finished our drinks in their lobby and talked for a long time.