Category Archives: Snorkeling

Contoy Island

Today we booked a tour of Contoy Island with Island Adventures Mexico, so we had to be at their place by 8:20 am. This tour company was a really good find because they are 5 minutes from our hotel. A woman met us at the shop and we walked to the port. Once we got to the port we were told that we were the only ones from Isla going on the tour and the rest of the group was in Cancun and we were going there to pick them up. That was fine with us. While we were waiting we had some iced coffee.

Once the boat got there it was us and another couple on this big boat. The guide told us we were heading over to Cancun to pick up more people. So we get to the other side near Cancun and we are told that we should get off the boat because they are not sure which boat we will be on for the tour. They also tell us we should get something to eat because we will have like 20 minutes. There were breakfast snacks but it was more like a 10 minute wait so we really didn’t eat.

This excursion felt more like excursions we had done in the past in the Caribbean–very party-like. It was nice. Before we arrived at Contoy Island we stopped to snorkel. The snorkeling was pretty cool but it was very rushed. We felt like the guides were just rushing through and only letting us stay in a very narrow path. Everything that looked cool was obviously not on this path either. Once we got back to the boat it was Corona after Corona.


Then we got to Contoy Island. It was beautiful. We were offered a walking tour at first but then the guide said we were going to do it after we ate. So we decided to swim. The beach and the water were great. It was so relaxing. For lunch we had fish, chicken, chips, guac, and salad. It was all really good.


After lunch we were so hot and full we decided to bypass the walking tour and just go back to the water. We swam for about an hour then we got back on the boat. On the boat the tour guide took a bottle of tequila out of the cooler. This bottle was passed around and people were seeing how many seconds they could chug the tequila. I think the record was around 22 seconds and it was a girl! At first I didn’t want to do it so the guide filled the cap with tequila and I did a mini shot. Don did it though and I think he got like 8 seconds. On the second round I did decide to do it and I got 5 seconds. The boat went through 2 bottles of tequila!

The ride back to the port was fun. Once we got back to the hotel we got ready to go out for dinner. We were in the mood for a dive and we found Miguel’s Moonlight, a divey looking Mexican place. It was delicious! We each had rum punch and I had enchiladas. It was probably one of the better meals we have had in Isla.


After dinner we did some walking around and took some pictures. We walked along the Caribbean side of Isla. Then we went back to the room because we were so tired. We tried to watch Big Brother (haha) but we could not access it from Mexico. Instead we watched Sinister on Netflix.





Whale Shark Excursion

So today we woke up super early around 6:15 so we could be at the Eco Divers shop by 7:45. I ate some leftover pizza from last night and took some Dramamine. I really didn’t want to get seasick! So we got to the shop and eventually 4 other couples joined us. One couple from London was very nice. Mostly though people kept to themselves and didn’t seem like they wanted to be friendly. Then we got on the boat and left the island to journey out on the water for about an hour and a half. It was storming all around us on the boat ride. It was pretty cool. I should mention that although we booked with Eco Divers the tour was ran by Ceviche Tours.



After a long time the boat suddenly stopped and the captain was pointing in the water so we thought maybe this is it! But some guy just lost his hat and they retrieved and we moved on. Also on the ride out we saw a couple of dolphins and a ton of flying fish. Flying fish were really cool.

When we finally got to the area with whale sharks there were a ton of other boats. The captain and the guide briefly explained to us how it would work. We were supposed to get all of our snorkeling gear on and sit on the side of the boat and 4 of us would go at once and swim with the shark. Don and I were in the first group so we got all ready and sat on the side of the boat. It was kind of hard to get up on the side. So we jumped and at first I didn’t see a shark. Then one of the guys said “right behind you!” so I looked down and there it was! So close!! So I got my first pictures and video! (Will post the video soon)



It was gone so quickly so then we all just sort of waited in the water for the boat to pick us up. It was so weird being in the open water like that. I would look down into the water and it was so blue and clear, but I couldn’t see the bottom. A couple of times I thought I saw big fish swimming far below us.

Once we got back on the boat we got ready to jump in again. The second swim wasn’t as good for me. I couldn’t find the shark at first, but then I did eventually and I swam behind it for awhile. I think Don had better luck this time. He swam pretty far with it and even managed to get a selfie.




The second and third swims were definitely not as good as the first one for me. Don had some luck. After the last round we were missing one of the girls from our boat. That was a scary few minutes. No one could find her and when the captain contacted other boats no one had an extra person. Fortunately we found her with a group in the water.

The experience was pretty cool. I was just so happy to see one! I was surprised at how tiring it was to keep up with them. All of the pictures you see make it look so easy and graceful. The shark is graceful but 8 snorkelers around it are not. If you were not first to the shark you were pretty much getting kicked in the face. I was surprised by how many people were in the water at once. I was so happy to do this, it was truly a bucket list day.

On the ride back a lot of people slept and rested. When we got near the port the guides gave us the option to snorkel, go to the port, or have ceviche and go to the best beach on Isla. Everyone but us decided to go to the beach. We were very lucky though because the beach happened to be our beach at our hotel. The ceviche was also amazing. It was very nice to sit on the boat, eat ceviche, and drink beer.

Once we were done we swam up to our beach and decided to check out the pool. The pool was great at Ixchel Beach Hotel. The water was so warm. When we were finished it was disappointing to find out that our keys did not work for our new room! Luckily housekeeping was around and let us in. Once we got cleaned up we relaxed and looked at our pictures and videos. It was pretty amazing to see this giant fish we swam with today! And BTW the hotel easily fixed our key this time so looks like we are good.

Someone had mentioned that a place called Bobo’s had great fried chicken and once we looked at the menu I was pumped to go. It’s a bar owned by Canadians and they have fried chicken, chicken sandwiches, and fish and chips. We were pretty much the first customers there and we decided to eat inside at the booth. I got the fish and chips. Don got some wings. The fish and chips were amazing. Don also said his chicken was good. It was the best meal we had so far. After we ate some people had come into the bar and were having conversation so we decided to come up to the bar. We met a guy from Austin, a guy from Chicago, and a guy from Arizona. The bartender was from Wisconsin! She was awesome and made some great drinks. It was a really great night…and we got pretty buzzed.

Once we left for some reason Don wanted to go to a hardware store to look for something. I took a selfie with a cat there.


Then during our walking around we looked at magnets and I was determined to find a whale shark magnet. No one had one! We were also stopping by Island Adventures Mexico to try to book a trip to Contoy Island tomorrow. We found a bar and went up to the second floor. Then I made sure the Contoy trip was a go. From where we were sitting the shop with the whale shark magnets was directly below us. Don thought it would be a good idea for me to go down there and bargain with them. I had about 70 pesos I believe. I picked out 2 magnets and tried to get them. The guy told me that would only get me one magnet. Of course I caved because my buzzed self really wanted the whale shark magnet and I am a terrible negotiator. We had some great nachos, ok drinks, and some fun at this bar, but I can’t remember the name. We also came up with this saying “If I can’t eat it, drink it, or swim in it I don’t want it.” Because that basically refers to what we do on vacation.

Snorkeling Isla Mujeres

Today we slept in and we didn’t really have a plan for the day. Once we got up and out we decided it would be a good idea to talk with some tour guides to see what kind of snorkeling tours we could get. The first place we stopped at was really near the hotel and it was called Island Adventures Mexico ( We talked to a guy named Juan who told us they did a snorkeling trip pretty much every day at 10 am and 1 pm. This snorkeling trip went to 3 locations. So it sounded good because I think it was also 60 pesos for the two of us. We told him we would have some breakfast and come back.

We stopped at one other place before eating but something about this place didn’t really appeal to us. We decided to eat breakfast at Rooster. This place was also recommended by our hotel. I got a weird egg thing with chorizo and peppers in it. I don’t know what I was expecting but what I got was definitely not what I was expecting. It was okay though. Don got lobster biscuits and gravy. He liked his. Overall Rooster was okay. Here’s a few pictures…



After eating we stopped by one other tour guide place and had a long conversation about the island Contoy. I am really interested in going to Contoy but this guy was kind of creepy. So after a little bit of thought we decided well it’s almost noon…might as well go snorkeling with Island Adventures Mexico at 1! So we went back and told Juan. He was so helpful and this place was nice because we could pay in USD or pesos. I was a little apprehensive because I had not heard of this place in any of my research but decided to go ahead.

So starting from the beginning here, we were a bit frazzled upon getting ready and getting back to Island Adventures by 1. Everything was fine until we forgot something in the room and then tried to use the key and the key would not work. Then both keys did not work. I can’t even remember what we wanted to get, it wasn’t really essential, so we went to the front desk and they reset the key but it would still not work. By now we are cutting it close so we just decide to go and deal with the key issue later. From the get-go our experience with Island Adventures Mexico was a bit weird. We waited around until about 1:20 when finally a guide came and he wasn’t wearing any shoes. He was running because the pavement was so hot. So we quickly followed him to the boat at the beach. It was about a 5-10 minute walk/jog to the boat. We got on the boat with him, the captain, about 5 other adults, and 2 kids. No one really spoke much English. Then we took off and stopped at another hotel to pick up 3 more women. They did speak English, but they also spoke Spanish. So….seriously we really need to learn Spanish better.

First snorkel stop was off the shore a bit and there was a shipwreck half in the water and half in the sand. It was pretty cool around the shipwreck because there were a lot of fish. The current was very strong at this location so it was a bit tiring. I also didn’t feel that we saw anything that great, but it was okay snorkeling. Not the worst, not the best. It was challenging though because the guide did not speak to us hardly at all and he was really occupied helping some really novice snorkelers. Most of the time the guide is pointing out things, but this snorkeling trip I felt like I never knew where we were going or where we could go. This location had a good amount of fish though.





The second location was the Underwater Museum or known as the Musa Museo Subacuatico de Arte. I was excited to do this, but once again the tour felt very weird. We had no idea why there were statues and sculptures underwater. We were just swimming along and looking at things underwater. Come to find out I read later that they were put there to promote more reef growth. It was cool. I think this location was better than the first because there was not a big current to battle with. It was also cool to see scuba divers exploring the underwater museum.






Once we got back on the boat we rode along for awhile and stopped near the Dolphin Discovery to watch some people swimming with Dolphins. Then we docked and the guide was like “ok did you guys pay for lunch?” and we were like “um..not sure…I think so..but not sure.” At this point I really didn’t want to go to eat I just wanted to go back and get cleaned up but the guide was like “ok well you probably paid for it so let’s go eat.” Once again we all get off boat and no one knows anything that is going on so we all decide to sit at a table. One of the guys sat near us and tried to make conversation he was very nice. We had fish, rice, and pasta. The food was very good. I believe this place was called Playa Lancheros.

After we ate we noticed there was a pen in the water with a couple guys and people were lined up to get in the pen. Turns out there were two nurse sharks in this pen and you could pay to have your picture with them. I don’t think this was a nice thing to do to these sharks, but the guys seem to take care of them and love them. I really love sharks so of course I wanted to try this. So we got in the pen. The guy had to summon one of the sharks by basically carrying him in the water over to me. Then he instructed me on how to hold him up out of the water a bit to get a picture. The shark felt kind of like sandpaper. I expected it to be softer. It also started thrashing around a bit so I got kind of nervous and let it go. It just swam away an then Don got his turn. It was a weird experience and still not sure how I feel about those sharks being in there. I did ask one of our guides about it and he said they switch the sharks out every couple of months.





Once we got back to the hotel the key still did not work, but we proceeded to get cleaned up while they tried to figure it out. There was also an incredible sunset that we took pictures of…






Once we went out we decided to ask Juan at Island Adventures about a trip to Contoy. Even though our snorkeling trip wasn’t great, I still felt good enough to book another tour with them especially since he was going to give us a discount for already doing a trip with them. He put us down tentatively for Tuesday but we have to come back tomorrow night to make sure it’s a go. Afterwards we went to Mamma Rosa’s for some pizza. I read it was the best pizza on the island so we wanted to try it. The pizza was pretty good. After we ate we were pretty tired so we came back the key did not work still so they allowed us to switch rooms. We are still on the 4th floor just a few doors down from where we were. I think the room is a bit of an upgrade.


Road Trip to La Parguera

So since we rented a car here in Puerto Rico we decided we wanted to check out some beaches on the West Coast. We woke up pretty early to go on our road trip. Our goal was to explore the town of La Parguera which is on the Southwest side of the island. The trip started out not so great because we missed our exit on the expressway and we were lost for awhile. Driving here is crazy I can’t stand the drivers. Finally we found our way and took a road through the mountains. We drove through lechon highway, this is where all the restaurants have a pig on the roaster.

Once we started getting to the other side of the island it got a lot hotter and dryer. The climate was so different. The drive got better on the highways and it was beautiful.

We didn’t stop much though, only for gas once. Then we made it to Parguera in Lajas. Right when we parked a man came up to us and wanted to know if we wanted a boat or if we wanted to eat. He took us to a restaurant called Puerto Parguera. We were the only ones there. We ordered empanadas and they were delicious. Then we each ordered a mofongo and it was good. People were stopping by to take carry out. The woman there was very nice.

After lunch we went to the port and looked at all the boat shops. We came to Johnny’s Boats and talked to them about a 1 hour snorkel trip. The guys there didn’t seem very friendly but we decided to do it. One guy took us out on a little motorboat to a mangrove island. We got out and snorkeled around the island. It was kind of scary because it was dark by the mangroves we saw a lot of cool stuff.






When we were done we asked the tour guide if he knew any good beaches on the way back to Ponce he told us Playa Santa. So we started driving…saw some horses by the street, stopped at dive shop. Looked for Playa Santa but got side tracked and ended up in a nature reserve and went to a beach there.


It was a pretty awesome day. On the way home we got some lechon.

Snorkeling in Culebra.

Woke up today and got ready for snorkeling at the island of Culebra. We booked with the company called East Island Excursions. We were a little worried our excursion would be canceled because the winds had been very strong for the past few days. We had to be at the port at 9 am, so we stopped for some breakfast at a deli nearby.

The boat for the excursion was very nice. Our main tour guide was Chris. He kind of reminded us of Doug Tucker haha. We sat with another couple from California. They guy, Carlos, was originally from Brooklyn but he was in love with California now. He had a very fun personality and talked a lot. His wife’s name was Marlene.

The boat ride over to Culebra was very rough. I thought I was going to puke, so did Marlene. Of course Carlos and Don were perfectly fine. A lot of other passengers were feeling sick also. The tour guides gave us a tissue with hand sanitizer on it and told us to sniff it. This was supposed to make us feel better, maybe it did a little but I just felt horrible.

We were so happy to make it to our first snorkeling spot without getting sick. It was awesome. Probably some of the best snorkeling we have done. There was a lot of coral and a lot of fish. We snorkeled for about an hour then we got back on the boat for lunch.




Lunch was really good. They had sandwiches, chips, fruit, cookies, and pasta salad. They also started serving rum punch. The rum punch was very good. Then we headed to our second location which was Flamenco Beach. Flamenco Beach was rated the #2 beach in the world in 2012. It was beautiful. The snorkeling was also very good here, we were not disappointed. We saw a dogtooth snapper, he hung out underneath the boat. The sand on the beach was so fine, like powder.




After we were done at Flamenco we started to go back to the port at Fajado. We were able to enjoy this ride more because it was much smoother. We had some more drinks and fruit. Rum punch is always so delicious. We talked with Carlos and Marlene and we got back to the port around 3:45.

We went to Walgreens on the way back to Coqui’s. There were horses grazing in the grass near Walgreens, freaken crazy! Don’s bee sting was still very itchy and tender so we picked up some ointment for it.

Judy and Steve made steak tacos for dinner tonight. They were delicious. This trip has proven to me more that I don’t see the point in dishwashers…haha I can do it faster and better myself. We watched Tropic Thunder. After dinner Don, Steve and I went out to the pool. Don and Steve enjoyed a cigar. We saw Senor Seis again! We also saw a giant frog. There is so much wild life here.

