Category Archives: Snorkeling

Honeymoon-Snorkeling … nah how about Scuba diving?! in Santorini

I slept good last night. We slept with the balcony open and apparently it started thundering and storming so Don got up and shut it. I never heard any of this happen. We got up around 730 am so we could go on our snorkeling trip. First we went to breakfast at the hotel. It was not so good but it was free. I was getting a little worried because it was very cool outside and it looked like rain. I couldn’t imagine getting in the water but we went for it anyway. A person from the dive shop came and picked us up around 9 am. On the way she asked us if we wanted to try diving instead of snorkeling. I’ve always wanted to do diving but I have never done it so the thought of doing it today made me a little scared. After thinking a little bit we decided just to do it.

It was 85 euros a piece. I was feeling really nervous but excited also. When we got to the dive shop we filled out the paperwork, paid and got our wetsuits, boots, and flippers. Then we got in a van and drove to the port. The port was a lot smaller than the main one on Santorini. The boat was a small speedboat and it was freaking rough. I was bouncing up and down. We got out to the first dive spot and the experienced divers went out. We stayed on the boat with our instructor. He gave us a brief talk about diving. I couldn’t really focus on it because the boat was rocking and I was feeling very seasick and nervous. Finally we got up and Don got in first. We went to the back of the boat and put weights on our waist, our flippers on, mask on and then the instructor helped us put the tank on. Once the tank was on he hoisted us up and we stepped off the boat.

The first time I was in the water with all this gear on it was very awkward and I felt panicked. I felt like I couldn’t control my body very well because it kept pushing my body up. We went underwater for a little bit just to see what it was like. Then Don went with one instructor and I went with the other one, Costca. He was very easy to work with. We followed the chain from the boat anchor down. My ears hurt a little from the pressure but not that much. The first dive was awesome. We saw a few fish and saw the drop off. It was pretty amazing.


When we got back on the boat we had some water and a little croissant thing. I couldn’t really eat. I didn’t feel that sick anymore but I just couldn’t eat. So we boated to the next dive spot. It was by the island of Therassia, where we ate the day before. When I first got in the water I felt a little better about it. I felt I could control my body a little easier. Then we started to go down. This time I didn’t go with Costca; I went with the other instructor. We started to go down and my ears hurt bad. It was really giving my problems. So we would go back up a little, but I felt like he wouldn’t listen to me. It was really hurting and he told me maybe I was focusing on trying to regulate them too much. This was probably true. They started to feel a little better, in my mind I was like maybe they are just feeling better because they have burst! We went down and I saw a black sponge and a few fish. Then my goggles started giving me problems. At first I tried to ignore it but then they came off. I started panicking. My instructor brought me up and I was done. That was okay because it was the end of the dive anyway.

I want to try diving again but with gear that fits me well and lessons. The first dive was amazing, second one not so much but I want to do it again. When we got back to the dive shop we took pictures with the crew and exchanged some names for Facebook. It was a really cool experience. Costca gave us a ride back to the hotel.
Here’s some pictures from the boat ride back.




Once we got back we showered and got ready for dinner. It was early but we didn’t have lunch. We had some pizza, it was really good! We watched some dogs while at the restaurant. One of them was really territorial and wouldn’t let one of other ones into its area. But one of the other ones was okay to go in its area. It was entertaining. After dinner we went down to the beach and laid for a little bit. It got chilly so we walked back. Then it rained a little. The rest of the night we just chilled, packed, and got ready to leave for Mykonos in the morning.




Philippines Trip-Boracay-Engagement

Woke up around 7:15 am and went to breakfast. Then we decided we were going to go snorkeling. We found a guy that said he could take us on a tour from 2 pm to 4 pm. So in the meantime we found another guy that said he would take us. We went on a boat with 2 tour guides.

The beach right in front of our hotel.
The beach right in front of our hotel.

They took us to an island called Crystal Cove. Here we went to a cave, like a lagoon and went snorkeling. It was awesome, I saw a ton of crabs.

Then we hiked along the island to a second cave and snorkeled. Once we were done we got back in the boat and the guides took us and anchored the boat and let us snorkel. The current was very strong so we had to hold onto a rope that was attached to the boat. I felt something sting my shoulder and I didn’t think much of it but then I felt something sting my neck and found out I had been stung by a jellyfish. I was so worried, but all that happened was I got a small rash on my neck and chest. The sting was not too painful. We went to a different location and snorkeled some more then we went back to the hotel.

Next we met up with the next tour guide, They had a boat that was painted like Nemo and the bottom of the boat was clear so you could see the fish and corals. We saw a lot more fish on this tour and the snorkeling was a lot better.

Guide swimming under glass bottom boat.
Guide swimming under glass bottom boat.


Once we got back Don told me to go shower and he would be up to the room in a little bit. After I was done showering he told me to get ready and to put on good walking shoes. A guy was waiting for us down in the hotel lobby. He took us to a truck and we got in the back. I didn’t really know what we were in for. We ended up going to place where you can go on atv/ go-cart thingy tours. We went up a mountain called Mount Luho. On the way up the mountain we saw a lot of wildlife: chickens, dogs, pigs, and monkeys!! Once we got to the top the views were amazing.

Driving the buggy up the mountain.
Driving the buggy up the mountain.

Don asked the guide if we could have a few minutes alone and we stood there…and he was like “Andi, I want to ask you something…” And my mind started racing. He got down on one knee and pulled a ring out of his pocket and asked if I would marry him. Of course I said yes! I was so happy, it was amazing. I was in shock…I couldn’t believe it was happening. Afterwards we continued on the tour…took tons of pictures and still felt like none of this was real.




Once we got back to the hotel we ate at an Indian restaurant and then came back to the hotel…exhausted. And I can’t believe we are engaged!