Category Archives: Uncategorized

Writing takes forever

So in writing my own fictional stories I have come to the realization that it takes forever!

Although I don't have a single clue about what to do with any of my stories as far as publishing goes, I still like doing it.

though I haven't shown then to anyone in fear of horrible criticism.

I'm thinking though as far as current income and more importantly disposable income is concerned something must be done immidiately.

Also becoming more pressing is the next cell transformation. Two pretty big problems that need solutions.

What to do what to do.

Dream Journal

I don’t know why, but for a time I thought it would be a great idea to blog my dreams into a seperate dream journal. Kinda silly to do that really. That means I have to blog twice. Once about crap that happens to me in real life and a second about what happens to me in my dreams. I guess it came out of trying to keep a Second Life blog. And then that second life blog turning into some weird second reality type of diary.

Anyways, I’ve decided to keep both my reality and my second reality together in a single blog. Not that this should matter to anyone considering that no one i know actually knows about the existance of this blog. Let alone any of my other blogs.

….. KOT ……