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Another day, another blog

Another day, another blog. Today me and Ishan hand… Another day, another blog. Today me and Ishan handled a box office for a film festival. Out of a house of 600. we sold maybe 14 or so tickets. Was quite a busy day. We had to eat tacos, and i had cookies. Yes yes.. just a day in the life of me. And then, … i came home. and i wrote this. hmmm i need to shower.KOT


[Mimi ? – 1/29/2004] My girlfriend’s kitty passed away this week, šŸ™ I liked mimi she was fun and liked to sit in cardboard boxes.

Photo]”Shane’s Library” ~ No Questions! Library image was klimed from Artist ~eluoj, deviant since Feb 5, 2004Details: the library of a certain school Category: Indy Art > Anime Subject added care of Pshop

Its 7:56 Am. Nothing i can really think of saying, just i was inspired this morning to create this masterpiece that you see above, and i had to put it on this website before i went to work. haha Its Emperor Hole! doing the job he will be doing until he buys his own aligator farm, Librarian. Transitions are easy when you dont want to be around anymore. Thanks to all those who make that possible on a daily basis. Especially that drunk lady on the J train every night home. KOT

[Photo]Grandpa As Gothic Punk – Halloween of 2003 You can’t see it too well, but he has makeup, eyeliner, different colors of hair, and red lipstick on.

There isnā€™t anything in this city for me

— 2.1.04 –(written on the J train) There isnā€™t anything in this city for me. Music scene? not since grandpa left reality. Friends? I donā€™t see much of anyone outside of work. I think being on my own will be good for me.It will force me to evaluate my place. Change though is my major reason. The subway, the streets, they all feel empty to me. If I had a job that I loved, what would I have but an income. Shopping, seeing concerts, drinking, and sitting behind a monitor and a mouse staring at crosshairs, eh could be done anywhere. So why not somewhere different? (End of napkin)Why did i choose a picture of grandpa for this update? Well cause i haven’t been taking many digi-pics lately, and well i felt that everyone should see that picture. (He’s emo, its ok.) Apparently there is a movie out there named “Ping Pong” or something like that. Its about ping pong. It inspired a friend of mine, krystal Steal, to get as many dykes (this is a term used for a certain faction of friends, not a term describing sexual preference) together and go to The New York Ping Pong, umm place in Flushing. So last night Jan 31th, about 14 dykes rolled up into this ping pong joint which was basically full of champion players, all asian. After an hour or two of fumbling embarrassment and loads of fun i finally decided to pick up a paddle and give it a try. I thought it was pretty fun and i guess i was kinda good. But like Grandpa said, this is probably just a 2 day fad and there will never be a ping pong night again, atleast not for a few months. Emperor Hole left for florida this weekend. He is going to go retire. I guess he figured at age 22, that he needs to take it easy in his old life. umm well i dont know what else to say. Keep on trucking[End]

Elphing @ the MET Museum “El Mummy” Coool right? Theres something dead in there. but like Really dead… like dead for like… a long time dead. errr yeah. I took this picture cause Andrea likes these things. Morbid…

New and improved?

— 1.29.04 —
New and improved? Probably not. But because of a friendly suggestion, this site is going to be a little bit more Blogerific. Ummm yeah so like what do i do? just talk about my day. Well I did stuff. Went to work. Hung out with my two pals Goat-T and Ishan. (The names have been chnaged to protect the identities of Ethan and Matt) Goat-T was like “wassup” and then Ishan started playing flash games online. Then some wrestling video, laughter, followed by some cool music on some classic rock net-radio station. But not in that exact order. Also had to take some flyers and posters to some resturants up by 28th and Lexington. Otherwise known as a small “little india”, this small span of about 5 blocks is nothing but South Asian resturants, one aptly named “Curry in a Hurry”. Kinda gave me a down day, damn store owners dont care for a asian looking kid (not of South Asia) coming into their stores trying to put up posters. So they quickly “shuush” you away. Even though the event im trying to promote is probably something their whole family would probably enjoy, I mean even Salman Rushdi came by on Wednesday to check it out…. its gotta be good? Eh I wouldnt know though, havent seen it myself. But anyways, bothered me. And you know that if i walked in there and spoke their language and looked somewhat like a distant cousin i probably would have been well recieved. Bah.

(Current On Winamp – INXS – The One Thing)Is anyone going to even want to read this stuff? I dont know. Lets see what happens if we add some sort of Forum to this site, like Ishan suggested..End.. O.o

[Photo]Most Recent Elphing Roof top view from MET Museum, New York City (Facing South) Stitch of 4 images. Full Image 1738 x 500 / 761 Kbs[Click Here]