Tag Archives: beauly uk

Scottish Cows and Scotch

Don and I decided when we woke up, we would go to Arnold Clark rental and see about the tire. Surprisingly, the tire was not flat when we woke up, but it looked pretty bad. It was only a 20 min drive into town. The man was very nice, and we felt so at ease. He was able to get us the same car and be on our way by 9:30. He said our tire probably would have popped at some point so I’m glad we took it in. Also, we did not have to pay because we bought the insurance. If you’re driving on the left always get the insurance! We have never bothered with insurance when renting a car, but I think we will definitely rethink that when driving in unfamiliar countries.

When we got back to the house it was 10:15 and we didn’t think it was early enough to leave for Skye. It was disappointing because the weather is so good today but hopefully it will be good on Thursday also.

We decided to go to Robertson the Larder which is a shop and has a few animals (Scottish cows, sheep, alpacas). It was very cute. We got some souvenirs. Lucas got fresh picked strawberries that were delicious. He could not stop eating them. I’m glad we were able to see Scottish cows because I know my mom wanted to see them so that was definitely something we needed to check off.

Then we went into the town of Beauly and ate lunch. We ate at a hotel, and it was ok. I had fish and chips again, not as good as yesterday. Mom, dad, and Kelsey had the meat pie. Jared had a sandwich. Don had a steak. Lucas had mac and cheese.

After lunch we walked around a few shops. We got some chocolate caramel cookies at a bakery, they were delicious. Don picked up some meat pies that we can cook at the house later.

Afterwards Don found a Distillery. Kelsey, Jared, and Adeline went back to the house. It was The Singleton Distillery. At first, they told us Lucas would be fine for the tour but then they said he had to be over 8, so that was a little disappointing. They allowed kids in the shop area though, so mom stayed with him. The tour was interesting, but it felt a little long. It probably felt even longer for me because at the start of it I couldn’t find the car keys. I told myself I had to have given them to my mom or kept them in the bag of stuff for Lucas. Immediately when we got done with the tour, Don and dad went to do the tasting and I went to look for the keys. I started looking through the bag and of course they were not there. I asked the bartender if I left them on the bar, but they had no keys. I was freaking out a bit and I could tell my mom was also very worried. I walked back to the car and was relieved the car was there; it hadn’t been stolen by someone who found the key. I almost was out of hope but saw something in the rocks behind the car. It was the keys! Ok, for the rest of the trip we can’t have any more stressful car situations!!

For dinner we used the very cool BBQ house. Don loves to grill so he was in charge. He made hot dogs, sausage, and hamburgers. My mom and I made a salad and mac and cheese. Lucas had fun playing on the playground. The dinner was very good. Now we have tons of stuff cooked for the following days. People seemed like their spirits were higher. We enjoyed the hot tub before bed. As I’m writing this, it’s 11:23 pm and it’s not completely dark yet.