Tag Archives: edinburgh castle

Edinburgh Castle and The Royal Mile

We woke up at 7 to get ready for the Edinburgh Castle. After having some breakfast at the house, we took the bus downtown. Kelsey was not feeling well again. It’s weird, we have really been wondering what is going on with her. I hope she feels better soon. The day started out rainy and foggy. We checked into the castle around 10 and I was reminded that I had booked a guided 30-minute tour, so that was cool.

Since the castle was high above the city, the views surrounding it were very cool. We looked around the castle after the tour, and even tried a small amount of scotch. If you asked Lucas, he would tell you the best part of the castle was when he learned they used to throw boiling urine on enemies. He did not love the apothecary though, because he was convinced, he was going to give him a shot and told us “We have to leave he is going to poke us!!”

After the castle we walked the Royal Mile. One of the first things we saw was a couple guys with owls sitting on them. Lucas was able to hold the little one on his arm and that was pretty cool. Kelsey was starting to feel better so that was good. Don found a lunch place called Burgers and Beers Grillhouse. We were hungry so the beers and burgers hit the spot. We had our first taste of haggis here. It was an appetizer called Haggis Fritters. They were ok.

After lunch we walked around more. We did a little shopping. Lucas was entertained by street performers, although he was also nervous about the tricks they performed, like the one guy trying to swallow a knife. We ended up near an art museum with some green space that Lucas ran around in.

We took the bus back to the house around 3. Don was tired so he took a nap. Lucas wanted to go to the grocery store because he wanted a little toy that comes in those coin machines. My parents, Lucas, and I walked there. We picked up some stuff for dinner and brought it back. Then we checked out a nature trail near the house. It was very pretty. We ended up near a war cemetery. It was getting time for dinner so we went back to the house. Don and my dad went out to a pub for dinner, while the rest of us stayed in. I think that was a cool experience for them.