Tag Archives: failed

Massive Fail

So Valmonuni and I recorded 100 minutes of footage last night. This was done in ten 10-minute segments. Was really excited to encode them this morning and start editing them. However when I went to encode them I found out that none of Val’s audio was recorded. So really, all I have is about 30 minutes of me talking and 70 minutes of me listening.


So sad. So sad to lose so much footage to such a stupid thing. I guess from now on there has to be a mic check and footage check throughout the recording.

MAN sucks sooo much. I mean yeah it was a 100 minutes of footage that may or may not have been good. And who knows if any of it would have been entertaining enough to put online, but still…. ugh 100 minutes. dammit!

Oh well. … It’s a learning experience. I guess.