Tag Archives: Loquillo

El Yunque National Forest

We woke up early today to get ready for our tour of El Yunque Rain Forest. We were to meet Louis at 930 at the El Yunque Visitor Building. When we got to the rain forest it was raining, so we took shelter in the visitor center and waited for Louis.

Louis brought 3 other people with him: a couple from Brooklyn and one other guy that rarely talked. We first watched a 20 minute movie about El Yunque. It was horrible quality but very informative. Then we looked around the visitor center. Louis told us to watch out for the mongoose and some kind of boa snake, but that was all that was harmful in the forest. He showed us all kinds of flowers, plants, and trees. He was very informative.

Once we were done around the visitor center we got in his tour van and we started going up the mountain to a waterfall. The waterfall was beautiful. We noticed one of the guys flicked a bee off of another guy’s shirt. Then the bee landed on Don’s neck and stung him. I took the stinger out; it was really big. It was swollen for a bit and I gave him 2 Benedryl.

Next we went to a tower to overlook the rain forest. You could see a lot of the island. We saw the town of Loquillo and the resorts. Then we went down and went to our next location, which was by where we would go on our hike. Louis showed us the big bath, more trees, and we saw a walking stick. Then we did a 2 hour hike. Louis did not come with us. He drove the van to the end of the trail to pick us up. We hiked to a waterfall. It was awesome. We could have swam in the waterfall but we did not feel like getting all wet and having to hike more. Steve took a dip though.



Once we made it back to Louis he took us to lunch. We ate at his friend’s restaurant in El Yunque. It was mostly fried stuff, but it was delicious. We had chicken and shrimp tacos, which looked more like empanadas because they were fried. We also had mashed potatoes around beef then fried. Next was a sweet cheese in corn meal-fried. Fried pork chop and rice and beans. It was really good. We tried some of the store owners Pitorro and we bought 2 bottles. It was crazy because they were in used soda bottles. After we looked around the gift shop Louis brought us back to our car.

Once we got back to Coqui’s we went in the pool. It felt so good. We did not see Senor Seis, who knows what became of him. We put little weights in the pool and dove down to get them. Then we laid out in the sun. After we were done at the pool we came back inside and got cleaned up. Then we just relaxed and watched some TV. Around 7 pm we decided to go to Loquillo to try one of the restaurants at the kiosks. It was just a row of restaurants.

We decided on a Peruvian place called Cerviche Hut. It wasn’t very good at all. The service was very slow and the food was expensive and not good. After that we went home and put the on the movie Fred Clause. I went to bed around 10….I was so tired.