We woke up today around 7:15. Lucas did a great job sleeping in his tent! So glad we found this idea online. We laid around until 8 and then we packed and got ready to check out. We went to the buffet breakfast in the hotel. It was pretty good but felt very crowded, especially just coming off a pandemic. We had to go to Starbucks for coffee. Then we were on our way to Staten Island to visit Ethan and Pia.
We stopped at Faber Park because we were set to meet up around noon for lunch. Faber Park is right on the water so we could see big shipping cargos on the river. There were a couple of playgrounds but they were right in the sun. Just by chance there was a pool here we asked about it and decided to go in.

The pool had a lot of rules. We could only bring in towels and water bottles, everything else had to stay in your locker. We swam around for a bit then we headed over to Ethan and Pias.
It was really good to catch up with them. We ordered some Mexican food and played with Transformers. Around 2 pm we got back in the car to head to Pearl River NY, where Khris and Jess live. Lucas slept the whole way. On the way we stopped at lookout on the Palisades but we didn’t get out. We saw a deer super close to the parking lot though!

We are staying at Khris’s for the rest of the trip. They have a big bedroom where we can set up Lucas’s tent. We went out to dinner at Murty’s Publick House. It was a nice little Irish place. Don wanted to try Uncle Tom’s Tavern next door but I accidentally went in the wrong restaurant. We saw Khris and Jess for a bit before bed because they were on their way home from Aruba.