Philippines Trip-Travel Day

Left for O’hare at 4 am for our 7 am flight. The flight actually left on time. Got to NYC JFK around 10:30 am. Found out our flight to Tokyo-Narita had been delayed from 1 pm to 5 pm. Super bummed because this would push back everything. We waited around JFK, scrambling to make arrangements to have our flight reservations to Boracay changed.

Ended up leaving JFK’s runway around 6:30 pm. We didn’t notice but our seats were split up on this flight. Luckily a woman opted to go to an empty seat to let me sit by Don. It was a 12 hour flight. I spent it first of all getting a meal of chicken and potatoes. I almost got sick and couldn’t eat hardly any of it because of the turbulence. I spent probably an hour with my head down trying to hold down whatever I did eat. The flight had a good deal of turbulence, at one point I was really afraid. The plane bumped around a lot and I got a huge bruise on my thigh from this.

Then I attempted watch Dear John. I got tired and took a nap. After waking up I decided to finish Dear John…which I thought was not a great movie. Each seat had a touch screen that we could watch movies, listen to music or play games on. I spent the next several hours playing trivia, sleeping, and watching movies like Avatar that I had already seen so I could sleep to them. Then the flight attendants gave us snacks, which consisted of an apple, bread, and a drink. After this we had about 5 more hours of flight left. I started getting very irritable. I wanted the flight to be over! So I slept more. Then there was about an hour and half left when we got served a breakfast of an omelet and fruit.

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