Philippines Trip-Quezon City

Today we woke up around 6 and had breakfast. We laid around for awhile. We thought we would be picked up today to be taken to Los Banos, where Don’s mom is. There was no one available to pick us up today though so we will spend one more night with Don’s dad.

First we started watching a bootleg version of the Clash of the Titans. I was tired so I took a nap instead. Then we decided to go to the mall to the internet café. Once we got to the mall we decided to see a movie since we had all day. We saw Prince of Persia. It’s different here because you actually pick seats before the movie. So it’s like reserved seating. People were dressed up like the characters from the movie and I took a picture with them.

We did some shopping of course. Shopping is weird here because at just about every section there is a salesperson there, watching your every move and trying to sell to you. It’s kind of annoying.
After the mall we just went home and chilled out. Ended up taking a nap and it rained really hard. First rain in a long time. Then we had McDonald’s. Then Don’s dad put in a DVD that has copies of a bunch of Bruce Willis movies on it. We started watching 16 Blocks. I got tired of it, since I’ve seen it and decided to write this…

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