We woke up around 7. Lucas had drunk a bunch of chocolate milk before bed, and he ended up puking on his blankets so the first thing I had to do was wash them.
Lucas went outside to play with his Paw Patrol bubble gun. Then he watched Cars while Khris made us some breakfast. We had eggs, sausage, bacon, bread, and fruit. It was delicious. Lucas was upset because the bubble machine had run out of bubbles so we told him we would buy more bubbles later.

We left the house around 9:30 to meet Jonathan, Raiden, and Rayne at the Bergen County Zoo. The kids had so much fun at the zoo. They ran around like crazy. We had a little picnic lunch. Then we finished the zoo by riding the carousel and the train. Then the kids had some popsicles. It was pretty hot and getting time for nap but we decided to check out the playground. The playground had a splash pad and that’s where the kids played most. Luckily, we had extra clothes for Lucas in the car.

We got him all cleaned up and got in the car. We decided to drive around a bit so we could let Lucas sleep. We got some Starbucks and just kept driving. We drove up to Harriman State Park in NY and then we just turned around and went back to Jonathan’s. It allowed Lucas to sleep for about an hour and the drive was nice.
The kids played outside on the trampoline a lot and Don went to the store to get things for the BBQ tomorrow. When Don got back we ate dinner and the kids tried to play some video games. At one point Lucas said, “turn it off I’m going to bed.” So, we decided it was time to drive back to Khris’s so he could sleep.
We stopped at Wegman’s for a pee break and on the way back Lucas ate some cheese and pretzels.