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Patient Zero – Verdict: Awesome

So I finally Finished Patient Zero by Jonathan Maberry and I am so glad I bought it.

It’s funny how I came across this book too. Andrea and I were at Barnes and Noble one night and we were just going around looking at the genre tables. That’s when I came up with a fun game. “Find books we think the other person would enjoy”. And because I know how much Andrea enjoys bio-warfare / virus outbreak types of books, when I saw the title “Patient Zero” I thought that it would absolutely be the book for her. Of course when I picked it up and read the back cover to discover that it was a Zombie novel I realized that this was more my type of book. A few weeks later I finally gave in and bought it on Amazon.

Patient Zero, is probably one of my favorite takes on the Zombie genre, next to the Monster Trilogy by David Wellington. Unlike Monster Trilogy which uses a more paranormal ancient mystical origin, Patient Zero uses Terrorist Bio-warfare. A take on the zombie genre much different from the “gates of hell zombies just kinda happen” version of books. Patient Zero was much more reminiscent of Richard Preston’s Cobra Event and Hot Zone that dealt with engineered viruses created to terrorize the world; only without the science and history lesson chapters.

From beginning to end, the book had me anxious and fiending for more. There were a few items in the book that I wished were a little bit more obscure and mysterious rather than blatantly obvious, but they didn’t take too much away from the experience. Fight scenes and climaxes where done very well, so much so that my testosterone levels had me grunting in approval after every neck snap and bone crunch.

Although I love reading books like this, I think if this were ever to get picked up to be translated into a movie, it would be easily become one of the top zombie movies ever created.

Let me know if you want to borrow it.


Remembering my dreams

For several days now I have been having a hard time remembering my dreams. I think it may because I have been depriving myself of long periods of sleep. I think most of the week I’ve had an average of 5 to 6 hour nights. Though I think thats what I’ve always done. Maybe I only remember my dreams on the weekend when I can pass out for a good 10 to 12 hour sleeping marathon.

Perhaps thats why my dreams tend to be very odd. Sleep deprivation leads to an explosion of backed up subconsious thought. Hmmmm do I have a backed up subconsious? Is that even possible?

Fear of epidemic causes loss of common sense

It seems that some people believe that the fear of epidemic has caused people to forget common sense and etiquette. These were posted around the building.

If "employees must wash their hands" hasn't worked for over a decade what good will these do?

They should post a sign that says "5 people Died in this building from swine flu. Cover your fucking mouth when you cough." That would probably work better. -insert pencil sketch of guy coughing blood and guts-


Some blog guidelines

bored on the train…

1. Never talk about work negatively
2. Never talk about co workers negatively or ever at all
3. Avoid defamation of any kind
4. Don't say things like "Khris smells like a monkey's butt."
5. Don't say anything that would negatively effect your reputation
6. Remember, this is not a diary
7. If you blog during a work meeting/conference do not say that you are blogging during a work meeting/conference
8. Understand that there really is no reason for you to have this blog.
9. Blog knowing anyone can read it
10. Blog knowing no one is ever going to read it
11. Avoid copywrite infringement or plagiarism
12. If you are blogging because you have nothing better to do, then go find something better to do instead

-Keep on trucking