Tag Archives: BSA Tower

Philippines Trip-Makati Day 2

Today woke up with a really bad side ache and constipation. I don’t know what’s worse being able to poo or the pain from not being able to poo. Anyway, the side ache had me really worried it could be appendicitis…but I haven’t really had any other symptoms and I still have a pretty big appetite. Right now my side is kinda sore but not as much. It’s probably something we ate or drink because Don is feeling a little sick too.

Don’s mom and I went out to get food and medicine and then came back and Jonathon was here. We wanted to go out and do something but didn’t know what. Jonathon convinced us to go to a spa. I’ve never done anything like that. We got full body massages. It was kinda weird for me at first but then it was good. I think I want to get a foot massage next.

Then Jonathon, Don and I ate a Filipino restaurant. Then we came back to the hotel. We are invited to go out to karaoke but I don’t know if were up for it. I just feel so out of it. I hope things get better for the resort tomorrow. I don’t know how much more of this I can take.

Philippines Trip-Makati

Woke up a little later around 8. Layed in bed and finished my book. Then had McDonald’s for breakfast. Don’s Aunt and Uncle came to pick us up around 11 and we went to the Peninsula Hotel to visit some family. Then we went out to eat. After eating I starting feeling a little sick.

We checked into our hotel,the BSA, and while most everyone went shopping we stayed in. We went across the street to the mall Greenbelt and walked around. Went to a museum and learned about Philippine history. Then we ate at Wendy’s because I wanted something American. It wasn’t that great, and then I got the craps.

At 9:30 I was so exhausted but all the cousins wanted to go out. We went to a couple bars. Reagan, Robbie, RJ, Justin (Liz his wife), Mariel, Francis were who we went out with. Ended up doing some shots and having beer. Came home and pretty much passed out. We slept til about 1 pm! We both woke up with diarrhea and I have a headache and my throat feels funny. Hopefully tomorrow we feel better.

We went out to eat at Chili’s because we woke up late and didn’t want to go shopping with the others. Then we came back to the hotel and decided to try out a zoo. The zoo wasn’t very clean and smelled like poop and made us feel sicker. The area was kind of sketchy and our cab ride home was crazy. At one point the cab driver got out and took a pee alongside the road…never seen that in NYC hahaha.

So now we are in the hotel, don’t know what to do next.

Here are some pictures from our hotel.
