Tag Archives: catacombs paris

France Day 2: Musee Rodin, Catacombs, Eiffel Tower, Delicious Pizza!!

Today we woke up around 8 and had breakfast at the hotel. The hotel breakfast was pretty good–eggs, breads, meats, fruits, and cheeses. After breakfast we walked to the Musee Rodin. It was a chilly, but sunny morning and it turned out to be very nice.

The Musee Rodin has an outdoor garden with replicas of famous sculptures done by Rodin. There is also an indoor museum with a ton of sculptures. I think we liked the garden the most, especially because it was a nice, sunny morning. We enjoyed taking some fun shots with the sculptures. I would suggest getting the audiotour to learn more about the pieces.

The Thinker
The Gates of Hell

After we walked through the museum we took an Uber to the Catacombs. We had a 1 pm tour booked and we had some time when we arrived so we stopped a restaurant called Indiana Cafe. I had a virgin pina colada and Don had a beer. We also had some ice cream for a snack.

The catacombs tour was very cool and interesting. We also had an audiotour for this tour. I would suggest doing this rather than getting a guide. It was creepy, but really more interesting than anything.

After the Catacombs tour we had lunch at a restaurant across the street called Le Comptoir. I had fish and chips and Don had a salad. The food was pretty good.

We also found this really crazy public restroom. It was all automated and even self cleaning.

After lunch we took the train to a spot across the river to get a view of the Eiffel Tower. The view was really awesome and it was a great place to take pictures of the Eiffel Tower.

After taking a ton of pictures we decided to walk the river back to our hotel and maybe even as far as Notre Dame. It was a really long walk but we had fun and took pictures. We made it as far as the lourve and then we decided we would not make it to Notre Dame. I was really tired and hungry. We found a pizza place called Positano. It was delicious, maybe some of the best pizza I have ever had! Who would have thought the best restaurant in France would be an Italian one haha?!