Home is just over that mountain Chance!

Home is just over that mountain Chance!

The apartment hunt is 90% over. I found a place i like, and hopefully will be making my first payment this weekend or sometime this week. who knows. Once i do that baby is mine! cant wait! Really I cant wait to get out of this hell hole Im, currently in right now.

The apartment i want to move into is still being worked on. Some old dude moved out a while back and now they are redoing the tiles the floors the everything. Going to have a semi-brand spanking new joint. Wont have any furnishings but what else do i need than some newspaper. Livin it up hobo style nyc yeah yeah. Nah going to probably buy a futon sometime soon. Once i get settled. Cant wait cant wait. I can eat meat in my own home again! (Those who currently dont know im living with some indian guys right now and part of the deal was i wasnt going to cook meat)

Gosh i hope its soon i hope its soon!

Well got to go.. time to go to work.

work rocks! nervous though, but whateva handle that you know what im saying?



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