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Many days later

So after using the EEEPC 1005HA for about a month, I'd have to say I am very satisfied with the purchase.

Other than my, IPOD and Cell Phone, the EEEPC is the only device I have ever purchased that I have used every single day. Since the purchase of the EEEPC I have only used my desktop PC maybe once or twice. And each of those times was so I could install something onto my EEEPC. I am sure I am saving a good chuck of electricity by using the EEEPC over the desktop.

The portabity of it is just amazing.

The only major issue that I have run into was a few blue screens I received while opening Google Chrome. Though I do not know if the issue was caused by Google Chrome. Each time the EEE just restarted as normal. Never did I receive the blue screen in succession. I'd say there was at least a week between each of the … 3 times. I'm thinking google chrome is a piece of crap that needs to be updated; but I still use it for hulu as it does take less resources to run it.

Apparently I have 50 days to play Diablo before my characters are automatically deleted.



It’s been awhile since I last confessed.

I’ve been busy I suppose. Mentally dejected from wanting to think about what I was thinking about. But I thought today would be a good day to think about my thinking.

I finally got myself an EEEpc. It’s the 1005HA model. Straight off the first shipment. I’m not usually an early adopter of tech, but I’ve been thinking about this for so long that I just needed to have it.

And now that I do, I’d have to say that I am pleasantly satisfied with the purchase.

Its so sleek and light. It’s not a huge improvement over Andrea’s 1000HA but it’s exactly what I wanted. Once I get my novels transferred onto a thumb drive, I will start working on them all the time. I think my biggest problem with story writing is having to do it in front of my computer in my room. Can’t be inspired by staring at my tiny bedroom with clothes strewn about. If I don’t pump out at least one short story every 1-2 weeks I will be very upset with myself. This puppy has to earn me either money or experience to make it a justified purchase.

In other news…

Andrea’s parents are going to be in town this week. It’ll be interesting having them here. I hope I will be able to spend enough time with them. I want to take them out to dinner at least once or twice. I really hope they have a good time and get to see New York from a relaxed tourist point of view. I find that running around NYC going from one tourist trap to another can sometimes be exhausting. Hopefully they can do a lot and not be wiped out by the end of the trip. There’s a beach day and BBQ planned somewhere in the mix so maybe that will be a good contrast to the whole crazyness.

Hmmmm I think I need a new bag for this EEE….



I had a wierd dream last night.

Khris, you and I were business partners in something. In the dream we were scheduled to have this big meeting. It was a pitch we had to give. We were pitchmen. You were the lead.

The office was some fancy place with celebrity photos on the walls. In the meeting there were a bunch of stone cold suits. One of them, the head honcho was a celebrity himself. Though I don't remember which one.

I don't remember what our pitch was for though. Thinking back, it was most likely for a movie deal. Your part was selling the big idea. My part was about merchandising and how the big idea was going to make money in the long run.

When we were done with the meeting we both felt positive about the whole thing. The dream ended sometime after that.

The wierd part of it all, was that it felt real. Like one of those precognition dreams. A psychic dream that will eventually come true.

I wonder if on that day, I will have a strong feeling of deja vu.


Ender’s Game

This one is for you Val. It may be sometime until you read it though.

Today I finished reading “Ender’s Game” by Orson Scott Card. Before I start to read online commentary about the book I wanted to get some of my thoughts down first.

Around the last chapter of the book I decided that I wanted to and needed to reread the book. It’s one of those habits I picked up from a college English lit course. You can’t really understand a book before you read it a second time. Picking up on everything you missed and understanding how all the subtle events at the start of the book lead to the major events at the end of the book.

My first reactions after reading the last word of the book was “I like it!”. There were some parts that were obvious like the big reveal the main character receives towards the end of the book, but all in all I completely enjoyed the experience. A second reaction I thought of after finishing it was “I want to read Sun Tzu’s ART OF WAR”. I think I have a copy of it somewhere, but if I don’t I think I’m going to try to find a version of it with commentary; like a Norton Anthology version of it. Though I don’t know much about Tzu’s work, I feel that Ender’s Game employed a lot of important battle strategies that probably came from Tzu. There was also a good amount of concepts of psychological behavioral that were used throughout the book. I found all of it very interesting.

A third reaction I am having after reading this book, is the same reaction I always have after reading a book that I felt has improved my way of thinking; and that is “how can I use what I have learned to somehow improve upon my own life”. Its an odd thing to come about from reading fiction. But its mostly related to liking the main character so much, that I want to be or emulate that character in real life somehow. I guess its akin to the way kids like to dress up like their superheroes. Only instead of dressing up, I want to behave and think like them.

There are few fictional characters that I’ve experienced as of late that I have come away feeling like this. The most recently notable are Ender Wiggin of Ender’s Game, Joe Ledger of Patient Zero, and L of the Death Note series. All of them extremely talented strategists. Beings that have the ability to think in a multitude of ways always ten steps ahead of their opponent; although L is the only one who is eventually defeated.

So other than just simply enjoying a piece of fiction for the simple satisfaction of having read a good story, How can I use this experience to improve my life?