Tag Archives: dreams

Carnival Drive – Dreams

So this is an odd one.

It’s several hours since I’ve been awake so the details of this dream are a bit sketchy.

I remember being at some sort of public amusement venue. It feels like an Aquarium. I’m with one of Andrea’s uncles (Brian) and his two friends. Brian is taking us home. He tells us to get in his car so we can go home. His car happens to be a Pontiac Grand Am. This is the car that Andrea owned in real life before we purchased the new car. I remember wanting to make the comment but I never do, that this car is way cleaner than how Andrea used to keep hers.

I seem to remember having a hard time getting out of the parking lot. A lot of back and forth until we get to the gates. The location is a bit weird. It feels like the country. I see a lot of open space by the road side. It reminds me of the countryside from Smallville as seen in the Superman films, not the TV show.

I’m in the passenger side front seat with Brian driving. His friends are in the back seat.

As we’re driving we keep running into blocked off roads. Apparently there was some crazy storm and there is massive flooding all around. I remember reaching a bridge that has been destroyed. We’re stopped at the edge of the drop off and its surrounded by water. There are cars behind us honking. And every few seconds you can see cars going full speed into the water. I remember seeing a jeep and a semi truck just plunge into the water. Its crystal clear and I can see the vehicles driving around completely submerged as if just below the service there is no water. Even though we can see the cars moving freely underwater we do not choose to follow them. Somehow we are able to hop across the bridge… or maybe we find another way around. I cant remember to well.

I think we try to follow the semi actually. As if we backed up off the bridge, and then veered off to the side of the bridge and went down and under it. We eventually come up to a bunch of cars that are trying to negotiate down a one way street. It feels like a parking lot. And somehow we end up in a Carnival. I see people walking around and there are rides and lights all around us. We are still in the car though. And it seems important for us to just keep going trying to get home. We aren’t driving through the carnival though. We are trying to drive over it. There is a wooden walkway or something that goes over a few of the carnival game buildings. As we are driving we notice that we are running out of space on the left and ride side. Somehow we are now driving over houses. Or sides of houses towards the backyards. We’re definitely on roof tops. And our goal is just to get off the rooftops and onto the street. Eventually we are on like a shed and we are just one more backyard away from the street but there is a chimney blocking out path. I finally get out of the car trying to figure out how we will get down off the roof top. Should we just hit the gas and hope the car will hold up against the fall? I notice the gates are locked. Cause I feel even if we get off the shed roof, how will we get out of the backyard? Then I think why didn’t we just drive through the carnival, surely there would have been a front gate we could have driven out of.

I just remembered there was also a part of the dream where I am back in my mom’s house in Queens. And I’m in the basement. Only this is before it was remodeled. And even before I lived in the basement cause I think it belongs to my brother. It is late, like passed midnight. And him and his friends are pulling into the driveway. I remember that it is his old friends that he is with. Theres a movie playing on the TV. I’m in his room but he isn’t upset. (Thinking now, this reminds me of the one time I was hanging out in my brothers room and I think I was playing Starcraft or Warcraft, and him and his friends go out to do something, and several hours later at like 3am they all come back and I haven’t moved an inch, I’m still playing the same video game. I remember Luis saying HOLY CRAP YOU’RE STILL PLAYING!”. That was real.) I don’t remember too much of this part of the dream. I kinda remember there being 3 rooms in the basement. And I’m alone and I want to go to sleep but the basement is unfinished. Just concrete. I open a door to this closet and there is a bed in there, but the walls. There is something wrong with the walls. They dont come all the way down. There is a foot of open space between the floor and the walls. And I’m scared to sleep on the bed cause bugs and rats can come out from the gap. There is another room that is connected to the closet and I look in there and there are more beds. And its dark and the floor is still this unfinished basement floor. And I’m still too afraid of rats or bugs to use these beds.

That’s all I remember.

It was weird.

$1,381.1 Million and some vegetarian named Tyriq – Dreams

So I just woke up and I have a very short memory of the dream I had.

There’s a part of the dream where I am talking with someone who I think I identify as Blizshouter. Even though I’ve never met him and I have no idea how he looks, for some reason I think its him. Blizshouter is a Starcraft 2 webcaster who does commentary on Starcraft 2 video games.

So I’m with Blizshouter and we are interviewing in person, George Lucas. I want to say its George Lucas but he kinda looks like Kevin Smith when I think back to him. Or it could have been Bill Gates. Actually now that I’m thinking back its possible that it wasn’t any of them because something makes me think that the celebrity was already dead. As we are talking to this celebrity we start discussing a poster we have of him. And I think its a charity poster for the Children’s Hospital of Chicago. And we get onto the subject of “hey why don’t you sign it? and we can sell it to raise money for the charity!”. And for some reason this person, didn’t understand why his signature would make a poster more valuable. I remember us saying “yeah normally this poster may not be worth anything, but with your signature on it we could probably sell it for $10,000!”. That’s why I kinda have this feeling like the celebrity is dead. Like someone who died before they achieved fame. Like an artist or something. But then again I kinda want to say it was Bill Gates because on the poster, there were these charity goals that the hospital was trying to meet. The very first level was written on the corner and as the celebrity is signing he is having an assistant or someone write out a check. And bam wouldn’t you know it, he writes out a check for $1,381,100. It was like, I don’t care if you are about to reach the first level or no where near the first level, but here, now you are at the first level.

Anyways, I don’t remember how I got from this part of the dream to the next part. Continue reading $1,381.1 Million and some vegetarian named Tyriq – Dreams

zombie dream

I had a zombie dream

There was a part about a car. Driving a car. And I watched as another car ran off the side of the road and flipped over

Then I was back in that house where I had a zombie dream before. My mother was there and that guy who is in Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles but used to be on 90210. He was tough as nails.

There was a part of the house that turned out to be almost mansion sized that we were trying to block off from our side. I’d say we were in the east wing. I think summer glow was there but I think she was serenity summer not terminator summer. Once we got organized we were able to dispatch the zombies on the property rather quickly. I specifically remember watching summer stand by a garbage bin as zombie after zombie approached her. She would deftly remove them of any weapon if they held something in their hands and then she would proceed to snap their necks one right after the other, slowly building a pile of weapons and bodies. I don’t think I even so much as raised a hand to fight or defend any zombies in the incursion.

After all the zombies had been cleared, Brian Austin Green, gets everyone together to go outside of the mansion grounds and I forget what happens next.