Tag Archives: Manila

Philippines Trip-Manila/Quezon City-Fort Santiago & Aquarium

Today we woke up and had Mcdonald’s for breakfast. Showered and learned that there has been a drought in the Philippines for the past 6 months, so from 2 pm-8pm the water is turned off. Don’s dad keeps a bucket of water in case we need to wash in between those times. So it’s important when you’re showering to try to conserve water by turning it off when you’re lathering up.

Then we went to a mall in Manila to meet with Don’s Aunt, Tita Nitz. She had to have us bring our ID to make some corrections on the airline tickets for our resort we are flying to next week. First, while we were waiting we had a drink at Gloria Jeans hahaha! Then we went to an internet café so I could email my family and Don could check some work stuff.

After we got the stuff done with the airline we had lunch and then got a cab to go to some tourist attractions. We went to Fort Santiago. It was very cool. I took lots of pictures. We went to a museum about Jose Rizal, he was a writer who wanted the best for his country and ended up being executed.

Then we walked to a park, saw a lot of people that were begging. One beggar came up to us, he was really dirty and asking for money. He wouldn’t leave and a cop came over and hit him over the head with his hat. I was kind of shocked by this. It’s really different here. There are tons of stray animals (dogs and cats) and roosters crowing. There’s a lot of poverty. I feel bad.

We went to an aquarium after the park. It was pretty cool because we recognized some of the fish we saw snorkeling.

I wish we saw these snorkeling.
I wish we saw these snorkeling.

Then we at a place called Max’s Restaurant. Don’s dad really likes the place. We had fried chicken and chop suey.

The driving here is crazy. Some places there are no lines to distinguish between lanes and when there are lines they don’t matter. There are tons of motorcycles. It is scary to be in a cab! We were almost hit several times. At most intersections there are no stop signs or traffic lights so people have kinda just formed their own way of knowing when to go and usually that means just pushing your car out into the middle and making people stop for you. It is way worse than anything I’ve ever seen. I don’t even think I could do it! I drove in NYC for 2 years and that is NOTHING compared to this. People will just walk out in front of the cars…like 4 lanes of traffic and just start walking. It isn’t like this is a small city or town. This is a city like I think with more population than Chicago and NYC. I will look it up later…and no stop lights. No traffic rules really at all. Just drive.

Philippines Trip-Leaving Boracay

Had breakfast at the hotel around 8 am and then walked around and did a little shopping. Then I went swimming for a little bit at the pool and we laid out on the beach and went in the water a little. Mostly we were just waiting around for our bus to pick us up at 1 pm to go to the airport. At 1 a guy in a little van/truck came to pick us up to go to the port. At the port we got on a boat to go to Catcilan to catch a fight to Manila. This time we didn’t have a 2 hour bus ride! For some reason the plane was allowed to leave from the closer airport.

When we arrived to Manila, Don’s dad and his friend Jackie Chan (a retired cop) were there to pick us up. They were excited to take us to Mall of Asia. It is the biggest mall in Asia. The mall was really cool because in the middle it didn’t really have a roof top, it was pretty open. There was a fashion show going on. The mall had an ice skating rink and a beach like area with restaurants. Kind of like a board walk.

Then we went to Don’s dad’s apartment and will be staying here for the next few days.

Philippines Trip-Traveling to Boracay.

We got up around 6 and had breakfast at the hotel then took the shuttle bus to the airport for our 9:30 am flight to Manila. Our flight was on time and it was around 4.5 hours long.

I watched Shutter Island on the plane. Kinda crazy. Then I watched animal planet’s funniest animals. This flight was really good, super smooth. The only problem was that at this point I was done with flying and I wanted off. We finally got to Manila around 1:45 pm.

Here we thankfully got our bag that we had checked in a day earlier. Then we met up with Don’s dad. He had our Boracay tickets and we had to catch that flight at 3:45 pm. He got a cab with us to take us to the different terminal.

Our flight to Boracay was delayed of course…because we rushed, rushed, rushed to get there fast and get through security. We were told that our flight was having to be diverted to a different island so we would have to take a shuttle bus and then a boat to Boracuy after the flight. So our flight took off around 5 pm and we landed around 6.


Then we got on the shuttle bus, which was super crowded. We actually had to sit on seats in the middle of the aisle that came down from the sides of other seats. It was super uncomfortable and super hot. What we thought would be a 15-20 minute ride turned out to be an hour and half.

We got to the place with the boat around 7:45 pm. Then we took the boat over to Boracay. When we got there we didn’t know where to go because no one came from our hotel to greet us. So we finally figured out we had to take a “cab”, which was really a motorcycle with like a wagon thing hooked to the side. They call them tricycles. It was a crazy, bumpy ride but cool. So we got to our hotel around 9 pm. We had some pizza since we hadn’t really ate all day then just watched a band play on the beach and then went to bed.

Here’s some pictures of our hotel.
