Tag Archives: Zombies

Dreaming of Highschool and Theater productions

So last night I had an odd dream.

Let’s see if I can remember the detail.

So the main part of the dream that I remember the most was where I decided to cross dress as an old lady; but that came later. The first part of the dream was me in some sort of post apocalyptic survival scenario.

I remember in the dream there being this abandoned factory like area. I was part of a group of survivors that was just hiding out. I’m not sure if it was aliens or zombies that had caused this post apocalyptic scenario, but there we were. I can’t remember if my wife was there, but I was running around trying to protect everyone. We were being attacked by survivor bandits. You’ve seen their kind in the movies, they steal and beat up other survivors even though the real enemy oppresses all. I had grabbed two folding knifes that were just lying there on the floor. I guess I decided that I’d be able to duel wield folding knives in some Dungeons and Dragons Rogueish attempt to protect my people. In chasing some bandits and cutting one of them I found myself guiding some survivors into a freight elevator.

We closed the doors and took the freight elevator up. I guess the idea of taking an elevator reminded me of my high school’s elevators. (I went to a big High School, we had about 4 to 6 elevators in a 10 floor building.)

When I got out of the elevator I had forgotten about the survivor bandits and lost the folding knives. I was late to class and we had a group presentation. I don’t recall knowing anyone in my group, but we had a list of dialogue that we were going to read and act out in front of the class in some sort of English literature skit.

My group members handed me my dialogue and told me to hurry up and get ready. Everyone went into the classroom while I was left in the hallway. In the hallway (which was very narrow) were several garment racks with all sorts of costumes. When I peered through the classroom doorway I saw several students sitting in the front in full Elizabethan period costumes. Thinking to myself, that I was way behind and had to get on a costume immediately I scoured the racks as fast as I could. Unfortunately, everything I found was like 10 sizes too small. As if everything was made for skinny female actors. Thinking off the cuff and knowing nothing I would find on the racks would fit me right, I decided to go with a haggered old wench layered in several undersized blouses and dresses that I essentially wore as capes. I layered just enough clothing to make the outfit look exactly how you’d imagine a haggered old wench in the Elizabethan era would look. Somehow this choice of costume was perfect for my group presentation. (Now that I think about it, I think I was going for that Junk goblin look, you know the one in the Labyrinth.)

Finally, with my costume complete, I walked to the classroom doorway waiting for my group to be called. But as I stood there waiting for my turn to get on stage I heard the teacher say allowed “OK class that’s all the time we have today for presentations. Sorry to everyone who could not do their skits. This won’t be counted against you as your individual research papers were really the main part of this exercise. Please make sure your papers are all on my desk before you leave.

And my dream thus ended with that parting throught “Fuck, I forgot to do my research paper!”

The Walking Dead.

Every Sunday Don and I watch The Walking Dead. For the past several Sundays I have felt the same way when the show ends: unsatisfied. Nothing ever happens! Tonight’s episode in particular proved this.

I loved the first season and couldn’t wait for the second to start. But once they got stuck at this freaken farm the show took a turn for the boring. Every episode it was the same thing. The first half of the season was spent looking for the missing girl, only to find she was a locked up zombie in the barn. It sucked they killed her but I thought “yay, now we can move on with the plot! Let’s get off this farm!”

No….the next episodes were spent with everyone in a depression and trying to figure out if they would have to leave the farm. Now after getting into a fight in the town and bringing home an injured teen, we have to get rid of this teen. First of all…why we have to get rid of him is a joke. We nursed this kid back to health and now were going to just set him off to die on his own. When they could just keep the kid and move on from this freaken farm.

So the whole last episode was focused on Rick and Shane fighting over Lori and trying to ditch this kid. By the end of the episode we still have the kid….and is the fight over between Rick and Shane…probably not. Can’t wait for next week for part 2 of the episode where Rick and Shane will attempt to get rid of the kid again and try not to get themselves killed in the process. Then they will return to the farm with no plan. If this show was real, all of these people would be dead.

And yet I keep watching every week. Maybe there’s still hope.

Zombie Dream.

last night i had a dream we (don and i)  were running away from whatever city we lived in because it was overtaken by zombies.  we had left a few of our friends back at our apartment, locked in the basement because they had been bitten.  i think one of them was sheva from resident evil 5 hahaha.  even though people were turning into zombies they could still talk and we were looking for a cure.  we decided we need to go back to our apartment so we did and it was weird.  we were just living in this apartment with our zombie friends in the basement locked up.  the people that were left in the town were trying to resume to normal life, stores were reopening.  once in awhile a herd of zombies would come in and attack.  then our lock on our door broke.  i had to go to ace hardware to get a new lock.  we couldn’t figure out how to fix it and at one point zombies were trying to break in.  don was stabbing them with a knife and i had a pair of scissors…then i woke up..it was weird.