Category Archives: Uncategorized

I sign the lease on Saturday

I sign the lease on Saturday. 12 months. Move in on June 11th. Oh man that’s crazy. So far all my apartments have been like month to month deals. No real commitments there. Now this one is basically a year deal. And if its good who knows, might be my place for a few years. We’ll see. I’m a block away from this really nice park, and all the houses around are these huge Victorian houses. So its a nice neighborhood. But I hear if I head East on my street for about 10 miles, I can run into prostitutes. Good to know, good to know. Drove out to the ghetto part of town. Wasn’t so Ghetto though, woodhaven was probably the same id say.

Walked a good amount of time today around campus, Univ. Of Illinois. Was really nice. I have never walked around Brooklyn College’s campus, but I guess it must be pretty amazing if it beat out this one. (voted #1 campus a year or two back)

Been studying up on my car parts. Don’t know what a differential really does or what the crank case does, but I know they exist and I know where to put them.

Had my first product meeting today and my first sales team meeting. Was interesting. Stuff I saw in those boring business videos during class, now I’m actually attending them. You know, wasn’t so boring. Rather interesting. I don’t have my accounts yet, but when I do, I’m going to sell the heck out of them. Going to have to read up on my text books about incentives and retail store ownership. My degree is actually going to come in handy. How about that?

1 week from tomorrow and I can move my stuff out of the Roach Motel. Cant wait. I’m wondering if I should go ahead and order the futon now and just have it delivered on the same day I move in or what. Well we will see. I have one week to think about it.

About a month ago I was all set on buying myself a new computer. A nice 2.x or 3.x P4. or AMD 64. Now though all that is on the back burner. My First payment for my joint is Rent + Security + Deposit and some stuff, gonna cost as much as that computer did. But oh well. I’ll just start saving up on my paychecks and hopefully can afford the comp eventually.

If I haven’t said so about my job, I am really excited about it. You see the people in my sales team right now are really good. But from what I hear around the office, hardly any of them think much of the internet. I am going to bring customization to the next level. When I start getting my accounts I’m going to do crazy research on them. Going to find out what the weather is like in their areas. Going to see if there is a parade or event going on in their city, going to go crazy and totally take it to the next level. When someone tells me “business is slow” I’m going to come right back and tell them what to do to rev it up. Probably going to hook up my laptop with mad research at home and then take it to work and do it up nice. Hopefully upper management wont care about me doing the extra effort and taking stuff home. Just got to assure them that I’m not taking home any secrets. Heheh company secrets and financial information. The business subject of the beginning of the 21st century, Corporate Ethics. And the ethics of the individual. Who would thunk id be near stuff like that. Well I guess it was inevitable, I mean I did get a BBA.

(This post has been edited from its original message)

I’m just glad I haven’t heard any talk about Six Sigma or any one of those crazy Strategies that corporate offices seem to eat up and devour every time some one comes up with some idea to revolutionize Office politics or the “team” Strategy. Of course I’m not saying they don’t work, I’m just saying I’m glad I’m not hearing about them. I always thought it to be lame when offices took the new business catch phrase or fad and play it to death until the original policies and components of the strat are completely lost and the employees forget what their original jobs were because they were too focused on something else.

Speaking of the word Team. I find it strange. Now if there is anyone from my job reading this, the following is just an opinion and I don’t mean anything negative towards the company or how management runs it. ~~~~ Now my job, when I finally finish training and actually do what I am going to be doing for the next few years of my life, is going to be part of a “Sales Team”. This sales team, as I understand it, has these goals to reach each month. Basically increasing percentages from previous quarters and years. Now within this “team” though there are other percentages to think of, the individuals percentages. Of course those are then computed to give the percentages, realized and ideal, for the specific department. But within the team there are contests. And people’s percentages are actually posted. Winners or top players are of course rewarded, as they should be. But you see I have to wonder how this effects the “team”. What I mean is, you see there are contests that go on from time to time. There will be a new product or new manufacturer, and the rep to sell the most of that item or product can win the contest. Easy enough right? And sure from a management point of view this sort of device helps create enthusiasm and drive to sell more and do better. But what else can it do? Well in a conversation with one of my co-workers (I shall refer to this person as Nohbody), I kinda saw the negative side of it. You see when you have any type of contest there is always that Darwinian aspect to it. The fittest, or best survive. So the players who are at the top, are usually the same from week to week or month to month or year to year. The people who aren’t as good as the best but hold their own in their own right are sometimes right behind the leaders. But then you have the stragglers, who aspire to be great but for the most part cant reach the heights of their peers. And just like those thoroughbred winners at the top of the ranks every week, there are the few who are always at the bottom of the list each week, every week, every time. (now maybe those names aren’t always printed, but the individual will always know who they are because they can see their own numbers and they can see the numbers of the winners) This co-worker I talked to, although maybe didn’t have much confidence in his/her own abilities to start with, confided in me the fact that NohBody has come to feel like he/she would never be able to reach that high level of productivity. That Nohbody could never be “as good” as those top players. This of course is that negative side. The low ranks become followers and tend to do their job feeling less of their own abilities. You can hear it in their voice when they talk to their clients. In today’s sales meeting one of the reps mentioned the high level of his/her performance. Was about a half million dollars for one month. At the exact moment after this person mentioned that, I glanced over at someone else and saw an expression on this person’s face which was that of amazement. Like “wow that’s high!” this expression was then followed by another expression, a saddened look. I took this one to mean “I could never reach that level” or to put it even more bluntly “wow I suck”. Now I’m mentioning all this as purely observation. I’m not proposing any fixes or changes that need to be made. If anyone in the office is reading this, and think they may know the people I’m talking about, I’m not trying to point fingers. I’m not trying to demean or berate anyone. I’m just wondering at what point is the “team” a team. And at what point is the “team” conflicting with its own efforts of unification?

KoT. Reply? hit up the message board.

Home is just over that mountain Chance!

Home is just over that mountain Chance!

The apartment hunt is 90% over. I found a place i like, and hopefully will be making my first payment this weekend or sometime this week. who knows. Once i do that baby is mine! cant wait! Really I cant wait to get out of this hell hole Im, currently in right now.

The apartment i want to move into is still being worked on. Some old dude moved out a while back and now they are redoing the tiles the floors the everything. Going to have a semi-brand spanking new joint. Wont have any furnishings but what else do i need than some newspaper. Livin it up hobo style nyc yeah yeah. Nah going to probably buy a futon sometime soon. Once i get settled. Cant wait cant wait. I can eat meat in my own home again! (Those who currently dont know im living with some indian guys right now and part of the deal was i wasnt going to cook meat)

Gosh i hope its soon i hope its soon!

Well got to go.. time to go to work.

work rocks! nervous though, but whateva handle that you know what im saying?



Fighting Back.

Several hundred dead. They keep coming. I’m fighting them off as many as I can. I thought I had them beat. On the morning rise not a single one in sight. Then around 18 hundred hours. One was spotted. A scout perhaps. Soon there were more. I fought back valiantly. Maybe about 20 of them died. There will be more. We’ll see how long they will last. Soon they shall all perish……
~Zerg Defense Infantry

Going to look at an apartment tomorrow. This one is in a great spot. I hope the insides are good. If its worth it then I might just be like, give me a pen. This time though I’m checking all drawers and cabinets. I’m going to inspect every apartment like Consumer Affairs and the DEP inspected Chinkies. Any droppings or dead carcasses are a sign of past battles. And I don’t want to be having that.

Time’s have been rough. My bank account just seems to be getting lower and lower. Not a single deposit for about 3 weeks, maybe more. Hopefully there will be a pay check coming sometime soon. Who knows. We will see what happens. I hope I get one soon. Then i can start measuring my expenses against real numbers.

anyways ill be back

What up Wyoming

What up Wyoming! The Internet. I never get to use it much. So this update is probably going to the only one for awhile. Sux!

My job Rox0rs! I’ve been training all this week, and I just finished the first “phase” of my training. My trainer Shannon said I was doing pretty good. (Hi Shannon!) She’s cool. I’m going to sell toys!… and stuff. On tuesday I start phase II of my training!

My new apartment sux a lot! My actual room is alright. My Roommates are okay. But … Seriously. The bathroom was horrible! The kitchen was and is infested with roaches! I just laid out some Combat Gel today, and sprayed around some raid. The place kinda smells like insecticide, I doubt my roommates would notice. The router, for the Cable is set on the floor right by this cabinet in the kitchen. And yeah as always the router is something that is always on. Which means what? It is very warm. Cause of the constant flow of electricity. Anyone know where I’m going with this? The router is freaking gross, at any given moment you can see about 5 roaches crawling on top of it, and several of them crawling in and out of them. I live in Joe’s apartment. I am Joe. And they don’t talk. They aren’t friendly. At they wont be building any parks for me. They are basically keeping me away from the kitchen, I shiver when ever I see them. Hopefully my insect killing efforts are going to annihilate enough of them to a point where I wouldn’t mind buying any food. For now I’m eating out, all the time, every time. I just cant even fathom eating or putting any food in that kitchen.

I’m going to go check out some more apartments this coming week. Hopefully I can find something I like and I think I can afford. Either way for now I’m going to have to suffer in Joe’s apartment. Oh well.

Later. Keep on trucking

my new job

Its Sunday, and tomorrow I start my new job. I don’t know what’s going on with my living situation right now. I’m feeling like I’m going to be making rash decisions without carefully thought. But oh well, I’m sure it will all work itself out in the end.

I created a excel worksheet, for budgeting purposes. Much like Bobby’s BPL MODEL, which saved my life during Business Policy (this is a class). Basically what it comes down to, is how much am I willing to save or not save at the end of the month. As long as I don’t go into the red at the end of the month, I’m sorta fine. After working out the numbers, its something like, do I want to save $600 at the end of the month or do I want to save $400? And when I look at it Annually, well, one choice looks even more undesirable. See the main difference is privacy and distance. At saving $600 a month I will be having roommates, be living quite far (not as far as I am now), but my liabilities are shared among roommates. At saving $400 a month, I have a one bedroom apartment, by myself, complete privacy, I will live either 1 to 3 miles away from work, but I have full liability for the apartment, all costs are on me.

After some rational and irrational thought I think I’m going to go for the $600 for now. Being that I haven’t even started my job and don’t know how much I will actually be earning every week, all the numbers in my Budget Model are estimates. And hopefully the difference between my Estimates and Actualls won’t be that big. I see a standard deviation of about $50. Watch it be more like $300!

The first apartment I took was an easy choice. This one is getting all complicated.

I will be changing the format of this front page soon. I want to add a ROOMMATE needed sign on the right side splitting this site down the middle and justifying to the left. Once I get a computer that can stand some heavy picture editing and web page making I will do it. Incidentally, if you happen to come across this website and are thinking about moving to Champaign, send me an email if you are looking for a place.